
Repesin :DMaanantai 11.08.2008 16:01

Mä oon aina ihmetelly et miks mutsi ei antanu mun ostaa puupythonii sillon kun sen työkäveril oli semmonen myynnissä, mut.. No... Joo XD

:DPerjantai 08.08.2008 16:36

Värjäsin muuten eilen taas hiusset^^

Viikonloppu<3Sunnuntai 03.08.2008 01:49

Kiitos Janita, Sohvi, Milla, Oona ja moni muu :D

*Murtautuminen omaan kämppään. Lensin ikkunasta*

*Mitä pornoo sä katot*


Ahhaaahaa :'DTorstai 31.07.2008 22:34

Katottiin Even kanssa MCR:n The Black Parade is dead; DVD:tä.
Gerard hyppi siinä yhellä jalalla ja Eve sano;
-Kato nyt. Ihan kun sä.
- Kuis? O.O
-Nokun sä kun tuut niin kaikki on ihan Whohuuuhiiiiiii!!!!!!!

Asia on siis sieni :D


Total reps XD

Muistoja :'DLauantai 26.07.2008 17:46

Kuuntelen taas pitkästä aikaa System of a Downin BYOBii ^^
Tuleeko edes muistoja? :'D

Siis mitä vittuu? :DPerjantai 25.07.2008 17:17

Ei saatana :D
Jos mä nyt kerron, että kenen kanssa mä juttelin viis minaa sitten MySpacessa niin ette usko :D
No nyt se tulee:
Gan you believe?!? XD

Vittu et voi ihminen olla kipee o.OPerjantai 25.07.2008 00:38

Rillirousku<3Torstai 24.07.2008 16:47

Without you, there's no change
My nights and days are grey
If I reached out and touched the rain
It just wouldn't feel the same

Without you, I'd be lost
I'd slip down from the top
I'd slide down so low
Boy you'd never, never know...

Without you, without you
A sailor lost at sea
Without you, man, the world comes down on me

Without you in my life
I'd slowly wilt and die
But with you by my side
You're the reason I'm alive
But with you in my life
You're the reason I'm alive
But without you, without you...

Without you, my hope is small
Let me be me all along
You let the fires rage inside
Knowing someday I'd grow strong

Without you, without you
A sailor lost at sea
Without you, man,
The world comes down on me

Without you in my life
I'd slowly wilt and die
But with you by my side
You're the reason I'm alive
But with you in my life
You're the reason I'm alive
But without you, without you...

I could face a mountain
But I could never climb alone
I could start another day
But how many, just don't know
You're the reason the sun shines down
And the nights, they don't grow cold
Only you that I'll hold when I'm young
Only we grow old

Without you in my life
I'd slowly wilt and die
But with you by my side
You're the reason I'm alive
But with you in my life
You're the reason I'm alive
But without you, without you...