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- Vanhemmat »

ChangesTorstai 24.01.2008 02:33

How can something that once was so beautiful,
suddenly turn into something this ugly..
How can the people around you vanish...
How can the ones you trusted let you down, time and again..
Where is all this changing heading?
Will there ever be something good, born from changes..?

Out of distanceSunnuntai 20.01.2008 23:33

Maybe a little distance could get us closerÂ… That it even would be good for us..
That makes no sense toughÂ… How can distance make us closer?
IÂ’m sorry for being narrow minded, but I don't see the world the same way you do...
Please donÂ’t go nowÂ…

I realizedÂ…. I realized that I need youÂ…
- Vanhemmat »