You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hi :)
You: ASL?
Stranger: 15 m uk u ?
You: 15 m Fin
Stranger: msn?
You: i don't give it
You: sorryu
You: sorry*
Stranger: k
You: What should we talk about?
Stranger: so how many fingers can u fit???
You: WUT?!
Stranger: u know in ur VJJ
You: VJJ?
Stranger: pussy
You: i don't have one! i'm male!
You: i said it earlier :D
You: really what the hell is going on here? :D
You: my first time in omegle and people talk like this :D
You: wtf? :D
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Että näin :D