Ihanat hymiöt
(^v^)/ Hi!
(~O~) I'm sleepy
( ^o^)y ((( -_-) Just between you and I...
(^o^)v Peace!
d(-_^) Goo! (winking with a thumb up)
m(_ _)m Forgive me...
(^_^;) at a loss for an answer
(;_;) I'm sad...
w(@_@)w Wah! (surprised
(-_-#) I'm angry.
d^_^b or d-_-b listening to music
)-0_0-( astonishment
(^_^) or (^-^) smiley
(`_^) or (^_~) wink
(>_<) pretending to be cute, or pain, or frustration
(<_>) sad
t(0.0t) double fuck you
(^o^) singing, or laughing maniacally
m(_ _)m bowing
t(-_-t) flipping the bird
(~_O) one-eyed pirate, monacle user
\(^o^)/ very excited (raising hands)
(-_-) or (~_~) annoyance, resignation, or sleeping (eyes shut), grumpy
(~.~) sleepy
(-_-;) or (^_^') nervousness, or sweatdrop (embarrassed; semicolon can be repeated)
(-_-#) or (-_-¤) vein (used to show frustration)
(¬_¬) eyeing something or someone, or otherwise glaring, sometimes used as an expression of rolling one's eyes
(<_<) or (c_c) skepticism, looking around suspiciously
(;_;) or (T_T) crying
(@_@) dazed
`(•.°)~ druggy, trippin'
(o_O) or (o.O) confused surprise, disturbed
(0_<) flinch, nervous wink
(O_O) shocked (also O.o - one eye smaller than the other)
(._.) intimidated, sad, ashamed
($_$) money eyes; thinking about money ( also sometimes changeable to other currency symbols such as (Â¥_Â¥) )
(x_x) or (+_+) dead, exhausted or knocked out; giving up, lost, confused
(n_n) or (n.n) happy, pleased
(u_u) or (u.u) annoyance, sarcasm, sometimes disappointment
(9_9) or (@.@) rolling eyes
(e_e) mischief, distrust
(e_o) or (o_e) eye twitching
*-* or *_* or *.* star-struck
(",) smirk
("o) side shocked
(-.-)zzZ or -_-zzZ sleeping
(o)_(o) alternative for tired; sometimes used to illustrate crazed
;o; or ;O; crying loudly/shouting
T_T exaggerated crying, so that the eyes are closed and tears stream down the face
I_I "What?", mellow
owo or OwO or òwo surprise
¬3¬ or ¬w¬ or ¬.¬ or ¬¬ or ¬_¬ Sarcastic face
nwn or nWn Happy, kitty face
n//n Proud
x.X or x.x or x_x Dead
(f-_-)f Zombie
\m/ d-_-b \m/ |mb dm| Rocker listening to music
(ô ô) boy (sometimes also used to indicate surprise)
(ö ö) girl
(ó ò) surprised, scared
(ò ó) angry
(ó ô) quizzical or "Indeed" (designed to mimic Star Trek's Mr. Spock)
=^_^= blushing, or a cat face (mischievous)
-^_^- blushing
fO_o scratching head
^n_n^ catgirl or boy
d-_-b listening to music, labeling title afterwards
~~~~>_<~~~~ weeping horribly
<(^_^)> etc. dancing, especially used to specifically show Kirby dancing
(>^_^)> <(^_^<) hugging
( ~^_^)~ dancing
(9ò_ó)-o fighting, throwing a punch
Q(^.^Q) equivalent to "(9ò_ó)-o"
/¯\_/°^_^°\_/¯\ Sailor Moon (extensible)
w-('u')-w Kilroy was here (extensible)
p(^o^)q good luck
d-(^_^)-b thumbs-up
p(-_-)p thumbs-down
,,l,(>.<),l,, flipping off
(^^ .)\\// giving the V-sign
m <(~_~)> m kitten
\m/>_<\m/ rockin' out
\,,/(^_^)\,,/ happy rockin'
(¬_¬)/¯ "It's good... to go!"
\0-0/ wearing glasses (nerd)
Q_Q or QQ 2 eyes crying.
¯\(°_o)/¯ a shrug, confused misunderstanding
(ρ_-)o sleepy / rubbing eyes
( ._.)ø writing
(._.) Sometimes used in place of (o.o)
("\(.:...:.)/") Monster with claws. Usually followed by "RAWR!!!"
p(^o^)q Cheer!