


Bear, you'd better recognize!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 19.08.2009 01:05

YOU IDIOT! You found HAM!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 16.08.2009 02:14

That's a really BIG needle...

aslo, Cutner an hero'd :'<<<

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.08.2009 21:17

1) omnipotent. can god make a rock so heavy even he can't lift it. either he can make such a rock or he can lift the rock, he can't do both.

2) omniscient and free will. if god knows everything that will happen, or even if he knows everything that could happen, then we are limited to those choices, either we have free will or we have no will, any restriction on free will is not free will, and such a restriction exists if it is in the mind of god.

3) an extension on point 2, god has no free will. if god knows everything, then god can not logically change what is going to happen.

4) problem of evil and an all loving god. there is natural disasters, and natural evil in the world. an all powerful all loving god would not allow this.

lolwutTiistai 11.08.2009 05:12

"Okay, so, a genie comes along and offers you three wishes, what would they be?"

"I wish for this wish not to be granted."


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.08.2009 03:54

Jännä miten maailma muuttuu kivemmaksi väsyneenä

HelvettiMaanantai 10.08.2009 06:14

Miten voikaan ihminen nauraa...
The incredible Nigger.

Mindcontrol system activated.Perjantai 07.08.2009 22:00

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 07.08.2009 04:07

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:

Anonymooses sanoi:
Sain ihan suunnatonta mielihyvää tosta

Joniii sanoo:

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 07.08.2009 02:43

"Your biggest problem is, that I don't know what your biggest problem is"

Epic paradox.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 03.08.2009 23:32

No en ainakaan kadu mitään.