
Asad - Move On Perjantai 03.04.2009 16:22

Girl wake up and look around
you r moving from this town
you try to say you sorry but
now it's too late to forget
girl you took me down
maked me as fucked up as you were

all i ask is why? why? why?
you had a beautiful life and i had shit
you wanted to make me down
because of my gifts i thought that i were in love and
feeling you were the most greatest in world
touchin you were so good to be true
kissing is never felt this away
with you i can be myself
you were always near eaven when you were far
but now i'm falling to pieces i swear i feel like i'm Falling down
there's no one who can bring me back to this town

she makes me feel so great
you've never did remember?
her eyes they write so truth
so different from the way it was with you
i don't need bitches in my life
forget what we had and move on
you'll never had me and you'll never will
eaven you thing you would

all i ask is why? why? why?
you had a beautiful life and i had shit
you wanted to make me down
because of my gifts i thought that i were in love and
feeling you were the most greatest in world
touchin you were so good to be true
kissing is never felt this away
with you i can be myself
you were always near eaven when you were far
but now i'm falling to pieces i swear i feel like i'm Falling down
there's no one who can bring me back to this town

i told you i'm sorry but it's never enought,you always want more,more,more
eaven when you cheat,but fuck you whore
you don't need me when u've got other boys feeling you as i did before
i got a new lover now
she's my new one now
she know how to love

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