


- Uunipallo, himpula ja parsaystävä


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JAPANMaanantai 19.01.2009 06:41

The Rapeman (The レイプマン?) was an erotic Japanese manga series with a black comedy bent written by Keiko Aisaki (愛崎けいこ) and drawn by Shintaro Miyawaki (みやわき心太郎) from 1985 to 1992.

The main character, The Rapeman, is a high school teacher by day and dispenses "great justice" at night under the business Rapeman Services, which is co-run with his uncle, a former surgeon. The business' motto is: "Righting wrongs through penetration".

Clients call on The Rapeman to handle cases such as the revenge of a jilted lover, forming parental bonds through a traumatic crisis, making disruptive co-workers more docile and other things of that nature. When engaged in his night trade, The Rapeman wears a black leather ski mask shaped like the head of a penis but no trousers or underwear.

In the middle of a rape, if the woman becomes unresponsive or expresses enjoyment, he uses special techniques such as "M69 Screwdriver" or "Infinite Loop" to apply more pain to the victim. Despite regretting some of the contracts he fulfills, he always does the job.

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