YouÂ’re at a party; the fourth gif is the person who started the party:
Crazy people 8D
The eigth gif is how they invite you to the party:
Jaa he is like: " come to da party"
The seventh gif with words is what they say to you when you first get to the party:
No ehtoota vua teillekki
The seventh gif is your reaction once you get to the party:
The first gif is your reaction when they have your favorite food at the table:
varmaan se hetki ku mä kässään sen.
The twenty-second gif is you when you see they have alcohol at the party:
Jaa, no riippuu iha mitä on tarjolla
The sixth gif is you when you talk to your crush while drunk:
I'm sexy and i know it
The thirtieth gif is what you do to your crush:
Piilottelen ruohikossa ja säikytän sen.
The fourteenth gif is your reaction when they take the alcohol away from you:
Muhah XD prepare yourselves!
The eighth gif with words is what you say to the people who took it away:
No varmasti jotai tollasta 8D
The ninth gif is you trying to flirt with your crush:
mistä me puhutaan? tai sitte toi on kyseisen henkilön reaktio.
The twenty-sixth gif is your reaction when someone tries to flirt with your crush:
Saatanan saatana.
The thirty-seventh gif is what all the other people at the party think of you:
The thirty-fifth gif is the person who calls the police on you:
Jumlauta jätkä.
The tenth gif with words is what you say to the police when they arrive:
Tell me moar
The tenth gif is you getting kicked out of the party:
Miks te ootte noi julmia TwT