
Gotta catch them all!Perjantai 15.02.2013 13:51

Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song

Että suurella sydämellä~

Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

CherenTorstai 14.02.2013 18:56

Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?


This dude? i used his real name Cheren. Pistää miettii miks kirjotan välillä enkuks tännekki

Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

Pokemon BlackKeskiviikko 13.02.2013 16:48

Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game


da game where dis guy exists


Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

baabaTiistai 12.02.2013 17:51

Day 26: A Pokemon that is your favourite colour


Bulbasaur ~o3o~

Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game
Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

Inu inu inuMaanantai 11.02.2013 16:02

Day 25: A Pokemon based on your favourite animal


Inu >w<

Day 26: A Pokemon that is your favourite colour
Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game
Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

RapidashSunnuntai 10.02.2013 15:08

Day 24: A Pokemon you'd find useful in real-life


Ainaki Rapidash, viilettelisin hirveetä kyytiä kouluu.

Day 25: A Pokemon based on your favourite animal
Day 26: A Pokemon that is your favourite colour
Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game
Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

KebabbaLauantai 09.02.2013 16:06

Day 23: A Pokemon which reminds you of a friend


Tää muistuttaa kyl @chibijanika 8D


Ihan selkee @Terbbana

Day 24: A Pokemon you'd find useful in real-life
Day 25: A Pokemon based on your favourite animal
Day 26: A Pokemon that is your favourite colour
Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game
Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

Green is everywherePerjantai 08.02.2013 14:22

Day 22: Favourite Rival


Day 23: A Pokemon which reminds you of a friend
Day 24: A Pokemon you'd find useful in real-life
Day 25: A Pokemon based on your favourite animal
Day 26: A Pokemon that is your favourite colour
Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game
Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

Raketti ryhmä =w=Torstai 07.02.2013 18:23

Day 21: Favourite Pokemon bad guys


Day 22: Favourite Rival
Day 23: A Pokemon which reminds you of a friend
Day 24: A Pokemon you'd find useful in real-life
Day 25: A Pokemon based on your favourite animal
Day 26: A Pokemon that is your favourite colour
Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game
Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon

True storyKeskiviikko 06.02.2013 15:58

Day 20: Favourite Pokemon Professor


No Oak of course

Day 21: Favourite Pokemon bad guys
Day 22: Favourite Rival
Day 23: A Pokemon which reminds you of a friend
Day 24: A Pokemon you'd find useful in real-life
Day 25: A Pokemon based on your favourite animal
Day 26: A Pokemon that is your favourite colour
Day 27: Favourite Pokemon game
Day 28: What did you nickname your rival?
Day 29: Favourite Pokemon tune or song
Day 30: Most interesting element of Pokemon