


GLOOMY GRIM/Fleshred@Darkside 19.12.2009

Rasvamontut on vaarallisia.Lauantai 17.05.2008 10:55

Torstaina dilleilin tallilla ja lähdin tohkeissani katsomaan pihalle jotain juttua autosta, kun kekkasin taas jotain hienoa. Enhän mä muistanut, että matkan varrella on rasvamonttu, joten astuin tyhjän päälle ja kylki edellä betoni/rauta reunaan. Saatana. Varmaan kylkiluu/luita ded, ku en esme tänään meinannu päästä sänkystä ylös. Eilen oli helvetin hauskaa olla Million Dollar Beggarssin videota tekemässä. Mut raivolla se meni läpi. Lekuriin ei viitti mennä, ellei toi tosta pahene, kun ei ne mitään siellä kumminkaan tee. Toisaalta ois hauska tietää onko tuolla jotain muutakin ded, kun joku siellä muljahtelee. Ei jaksais vaan mennä Jorviin postailemaan sitä kuutta tuntia. Toivottavasti pystyy ens viikonlopun keikan vetämään, se tässä nyt huolettaa eniten. Jeesus vastustaa mua taas ja yrittää lannistaa. Ei onnistu. Mörskälläkin saattaa olla loppu lähellä, ei oo varmaa vielä. Musta tulee sitten varmaan ihan aito trailer trashäri, jos näin käy. Nuori neito, wifebeatteri ja asuntoauto jo hallussa, vaan lutku ja peltipurkit puuttuu. Onneks rokkihommat menee suht hyvin, eli en mä tässä pian mitään kämppää ees tarvi, kun kiertelen vaan maailmaan jet set piireissä. Luutkin voi sitten vaihtaa adamantiumista tehtyihin.

Joulu on taasTorstai 15.05.2008 15:07

Ei helvetti. Tuolla tulee rakeita. Mitä vittua, tulis ny jo joku keli. Pakkanen, aurinko, syksy, kaikki käy. Loppus vaan toi kikkailu. Eli. Herra Säänhaltija mulla ois pyyntö; lopeta se kaman veto ja päätä jo!

Terve oon ku Damien.Maanantai 12.05.2008 18:51

Kävin terveystarkastuksessa. Arvot kaik jees, pitäsköhä lähtee tinaamaan sen kunniaks. Syödä pitäis muutaki ku leipää ja makkaraa, kuulemma. Kessuttelut tulis lopettaa tai ainaki vähentää. Hyvä mä ja mun ruumis. Ei suostunu kertoo kauan elän, eli iha turha reissu.

BlabbermouthPerjantai 09.05.2008 19:55

Anticulture Records has set a May 26 release date for "Under the Spell of the Unlight", the new album from Finnish black metal project GLOOMY GRIM. Check out the cover artwork at this location.

"Under the Spell of the Unlight" track listing:

01. April - Within The Woods
02. May - Why Are They Screaming At Night?
03. June - Åkerspöke
04. July - Cold Fingers
05. August - So I Slept & Slept
06. September - Invoking The Flames (Burn, Burn, Burn)
07. October - Cellar Dweller
08. Novemer - And The Bird Came In
09. December - The Bells Toll My Name
10. January - Dying Breed
11. February - Astral Planes I Have Travelled Through
12. March - The Call

According to a press release, "It all began in 1984 as HELLSTORM. Agathon (vocals) got his first influences as a teenager from the bands like VENOM, HELLHAMMER and BATHORY. HELLSTORM ended quite soon, but the title 'Fuck The World, Kill The Jehova!' remained. GLOOMY GRIM used it as the first demo name. The folklore tells that HELLSTORM was the first black metal band in Finland. Agathon wanted to create dark music, music from the depth of the darkest pit of hell and with no compromises from any other band members. Agathon started GLOOMY GRIM as a one-man band. The biggest inspiration has always been the dark life itself and the soundtracks of the horror films he collected. Agathon made four albums with a strong line-up. GLOOMY GRIM has also made some furious live shows in continental Europe and the Baltic states. After the latest album, 'The Grand Hammering' (2004) sold 30,000-plus copies, GLOOMY GRIM is back on his throne!"

Audio samples are available on the GLOOMY GRIM MySpace page.

GLOOMY GRIM has been confirmed for this year's Brutal Assault festival, set to take place August 14-16 at the Jaromer Army Fortress in Josefov, Czech Republic.

GG on sellout ja kaikkee sellastaPerjantai 09.05.2008 19:29

Radioaallot käy kuumina...

Metalliliiton biisilista 8.5.

ylextuottaja, 09.05.2008 07:00

Rammstein: Mutter (-albumi)
Satyricon: Mother North (Nemesis Divina)
Crowbar: Time Heals Nothing (-albumi)
Pharaoh: Dark New Life (Be Gone)
Dead Shape Figure: Remington Lucifer (The Grand Karoshi)
Starofash: An Apology Gone Bad (The Thread)
Ihsahn: Misanthrope (angL)
Deicide: Hate of All Hatreds (Till Death Do Us Part)
Glenn Hughes: Love Communion (First Underground Nuclear Kitchen)
Helloween: Eagle Fly Free (Live in Sao Paulo)
Gloomy Grim: Why Are They Screaming At Nights? (Under the Spell of the Unlight)
Moonspell: Shadow Sun (Night Eternal)
Týr: Gátu Rimá (Land)
Sabaton: Talvisota (The Art of War)
Raunchy: Warriors (Wasteland Discotheque)
Potra: Ei mikään ole niin kuin ennen (E.M.O.N.E.-demo)
Kip Winger: Where Will You Go (From the Moon to the Sun)
Torture Squad: The Beast Within (Hellbound)
Subrosa: Strega (-albumi)
chiLL: Below (Controlled Chaos -demo)
Whitesnake: Girl (Come anÂ’ Get It)
Asphyx: Evocation (The Rack)

Klasukin tajuaa, tajua sinäkin!Torstai 08.05.2008 23:55

EDIT: Soitti avausraidan "April - Within The Woods"

Ostakee, ostakeeKeskiviikko 07.05.2008 14:47

Valitettavasti tää on nyt kyllä pakko ilmeisesti myydä:

Kuvei suoraan: (rupusemmat on niitä, millainen se oli)

Lisää arviota:Keskiviikko 07.05.2008 00:31

To tell you the truth I wasn't expecting very much about this album. I never really was/is a big Gloomy Grim-fan, and when I pushed the 'play'-button, I still wasn't a 100% convince. Although I have to admit that it isn't as bad as I first thought it would be - this is a good thing!!

I also have a problem with Black Metal bands with synths, but Agathon (Vocals and synth) plays this very good aswell. All in all, I have to admit that this is a pretty good record. Not magnificent, but still good enough to return to the CD-player.
Favorite song: 'September Invoking The Flames (Burn, Burn, Burn)'.

GLOOMY GRIM Brutal Assaulttiin!Tiistai 06.05.2008 02:37

Vähän vanha, mutta itse vasta huomasin tuon.

Eka arvio:, tosin väärällä kannella.

Shoddy promotional discs never instills enthusiasm, no matter how small the label. I have had great promo packages form the smallest of labels who appreciate the work the un-paid scribes put into reviewing music. A cd in a plastic slip case shows as much effort as going for an interview dressed in ya under pants. Thankfully, the bands music is far better than the labels promotional package.
Gloomy Grim hail from Finland, a land swarming with great bands of all extreme genres. The band formed in 1995, and this is their well conceived fifth album. The promo sheet harkens the bands music to the golden age of Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth, a fatal
mistake if ever there was one. Dimmu Borgir are far more epic in texture and utterly bereft of the stark subtleties of Gloomy Grim. Cradle of Filth never won the hearts of the very audience Gloomy Grim deserve to have, those Black Metal enthusiasts who lurk in the murky shadows away from the bright lights of mainstream dross, and in any case, Gloomy Grim do not sound like either of the aforementioned bands. Gloomy Grims brand of Symphonic Metal takes more of a sustained, and at times epic approach where the music swerves from primitive minimalism to involved aural soundscapes. There is a darker soul lurking within the music especially when the industrial like passages seep into the mix. There are also pomp driven moments that evoke the likes of Therion, as well as the more Blackened icy guitar riffs splattering into the air like flies spinning out of control. There is none of the brazen colour of Dimmu, and none of the wild gothic dynamics of Cradle. Here we have a diverse and very individual take on the symphonic theme that never falls into pure farce, always keeping one foot in the mire of underground ethics.
A most interesting and enjoyable release.

Promot käsissä. Ne jotka eivät ole saaneet/saa sitä Fireboxin kautta ja tuntevat sillä jotain tekevänsä, ottakoon yhteyttä.