
AEE!<3Tiistai 24.03.2009 22:10

- Have You heard the word no (no, no)
- I thought so
'Cause everybody says yes
everywhere you go

- Y'know,
if you always must know whats right
you will end up among the ones
who always are wrong

Remember a star that shone so bright
but now his glare fills me with fright
And now I actually fear
that something's gone wrong
with your ears, I'm singing:

- Step out!
- Step out of your echo chamber!
- Step out!
- Step out of your echo chamber!
before it is too late (3x)
'cause I miss you so

You always stayed among the ones
not so strong
too eager to belong
to object when you were wrong

When when will you ever get sick of
listening to repeats
of what you have said
you better listen instead, to folks
who think with their own head

I never want to be your foe
I just want to say I miss you so
- How long will you stay in there?
I just wish that you could hear me singing:


(The Ark - Echo chamber)

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