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YouTube keskustelua ;''DDDKeskiviikko 27.06.2007 15:36

the most scariest thing ever, is Zaraki learning to fight one with his Zanpaktou, obtain bankai and then Vaizard, then he would be pure unstoppableness.

hell yeah! Zaraki with a hollow mask would mean the fuckin' descruction for human kind! But hell, wouldn't that be cool? :D

Normally I would say yes sir reee. But due to the fact I wouldn't want to be apart of a world that has a Bankai swinging Vaizard Kenpachi in it, but then again Zaraki only likes fighting strong people, which would be a curse, because all that power would make it difficult for him to find that challenge.

he could start to be a superhero and fly around the world killing politics. Then he could have a deathfight with Bush or Santa Claus and then he would become the King of England or something like that.

ok, maybe not, but he SHOULD have a deathfight with Bush. Maybe George has a bankai ;)

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