


Psyko Ward

TRIPULATION HELL !!!! (FOREVER)Lauantai 08.09.2007 23:16

When it rains it pours,
Nothing but shit, fucking a!
Nothing but doom'n'gloom and all these pills
I can tell you how it is to be fucking insane
Dragons and demons from the walls,
No sleep at all

They sent me a sign, said leave it all behind
They told me to leave the hands of doom
I popped another pill and smiled stupidly
I don't fucking care anymore (did i ever?)

Tribulation Hell Forever
Nothing is going to change
Stuck with shit and shite
Always back to square one

Staring at empty walls, with an empty mind
Confused, should I laugh or should I just cry
I can hear the call of the kitchen knives
I am one cunt's hair away to slit my wrist

Fuck your masterplan as I am sedated till death
To be free equals to be dead
I keep on chewing my pills as i continue this
Living this pathetic illusion

Tribulation Hell Forever
Nothing is going to change
Stuck with shit and shite
Always back to square one


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