


Tekee Teidän Äitien Ruuat

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.01.2009 20:16

otaksä vai eksäota vai otaksä et otat sen et ottasit sen ottaa sitte otta

Uudenvuoden lupaukseni:Sunnuntai 11.01.2009 06:04

Lupaan juoda EDiä koko vuoden.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 04.01.2009 03:59

My vagina has two sets of lips
But I don't get monthly blood drips
My vagina hardly even used

My vagina's got lots of extra skin
They took my outtie and made it an in
Changing Donnie to Marie Osmond

Operation successfull
But now I gotta pee
Through a miniature hole
Gotta remember to put the seat down
And when I wipe my ass
I go from front to back
Cause I don't want a bladder infection

I never thought I'd miss my vas deferans
I traded it in for a pair of huge cans
Now I get to hang with lesbians

Operation paid up front
Now I show all my friends
My new designer cunt
They think I'm kinda weird
But that's OK with me
Cause now I kick their ass
Playing from the ladies tee
Theres nothing finer than having a vagina

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 02.01.2009 07:20

Mitä luvataan
se myös täytyy pystyy pitämään
sillä pahinta on jäädä turhaan oottamaan
Se kuluttaa
se jättää jäljen sisimpään
ja lopulta kaikki siruiksi hajoaa

Älä sano että kaikki muuttuu
älä sano että unohtuu
sillä mikään ei oo varmaa kuitenkaan
Älä sano että kaikki muuttuu
älä sano että parantuu
sillä tahtomattaan saattaa satuttaa

On joskus parempi unohtaa
joskus parempi vaihtaa kaistaa
lupaukset tyhjät jättää omaan arvoonsa
Ei tuhlaamaan
milloinkaan saa aikaansa
vaan jotain parempaa täytyy saavuttaa

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.12.2008 04:54

Minä olen juusto.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.12.2008 02:16

Outside the carolers start to sing
I can't descibe the joy they bring
'Cause joy is something they don't bring me

My girlfriend is by my side
From the roof are hanging sickles of ice
Their whiny voices get irritating
It's Christmas time again

So I stand with a dead smile on my face
Wondering how much of my time they'll waste
Oh God, I hate these Satan's helpers

And then I guess I must have snapped
Because I grabbed the baseball bat
And made them all run for shelter

It's Christmas time again
It's time to be nice to the people you can't stand
All year
I'm growing tired of all this Christmas cheer
You people scare me
Please stay away from my home
If you don't wanna get beat down
Just leave the presents and then leave me alone

Well, I guess it's not cool to freak on Christmas Eve
'Cause the cops came and arrested me
They had an unfair advantage
And even though the jail didn't have a tree
Christmas came a night early
'Cause a guy named bubba unwrapped my package

I won't be home, I won't be home for Christmas
I won't be home, I won't be home for Christmas

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 23.12.2008 20:16

in my town you can't drive naked

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 03:03

I am S E X M A C H I NE!