


As I stroll the ever ways of the Buddha masters

imma sou fucken laZy (Into Dust)Tiistai 04.03.2008 15:18

Okok, siis "ongelmana" on se et tekis mieli kirjoittaa mielikuvituksellinen Into Dust-niminen, synkkä "scifi"-stoori, mut siis se just on siinä et meikä ei keksi mitenkää iskevää alkua sille. Ideoita riittää joka kohtaan, mut niitä pitäis täydentää (perfektionismiä -.-'), ja viel ku tulee sellasii vähä pessimistisii fiiliksii et loppujen lopuks stooriin jäis monta aukkoa yms. Se ois vitu siistii saada se valmiiks ku oon kirjoittanu suuren määrän juttui joita aion sijoittaa stooriin. Voisinpa täs heittää yhteenvedon sarjasta (joka tullaan kirjoittaa enkuks)


A fictional scifi-like story about two men, Jack Snyder and Nathan Reeves, who have been haunted by their past. Their motivation is to settle the things and restore the world as they always dreamed for what their long lost leader Dominic Vermilion tried to reach for, who dissapeared mysteriously 6 years ago.

Jack Snyder is a rough man who suffers from post-traumatic experiences in his past, and doesn't remember well what actually happened in those days. He's is also in a part of a little gang that tries to change the nowadays's Eastern Broken Island's policy. Jack's own motivation alone is to exterminate those who abandoned and betrayed him in the past and to find his long lost leader Dominic Vermilion who mysteriously dissapeared after The Collapse. Most of the targets has their hands on the Eastern Broken Island's policy and are former allies of Vermilion. Jack controls his gang with an iron hand, but also with a little bit of emphaty: all of the members followes him with loyalty. Jack's worst enemy in the story is Nathan, old friend of his, whom he believes did betray him and Vermilion.

Nathan Reeves is a well-spoken gentleman whose motivation is to find his long lost leader's Dominic Vermilion's legacy with his Illuminati--organization that was formed after The Collapse (the collapse of the Vermilion Syndicate that once was the head of the region called Westland). While trying to find the legacy, Nathan monitors the movements of Jack so that he'll be on tracks with everything. Although Nathan is being hated by his old friend Jack, Nathan accepts it for an unknown purpose.

The story sets to Eastern Broken Islands, a territory that consists of many islands. The desperately broken Empire of Huyga tries to unite all the island in to a one empire by the help of the present Westland's most advanced private military federation called as Wingates Military Federation of Westland. While the Empire with the help of the Westland tries to "unite" all the islands, many factions has been formed for fighting against the possible conquers of the empire. While the desperate action is going on, Jack Snyder and his gang tries to find out the locations of the members of the Maximillian Syndicate, a syndicate that was formed after Vermilion Syndicate broked. The Maximillian Syndicate funds the terrorist activites happening in the Eastern Broken Islands area for fighting against the Empire. Both Jack with his gang and Nathan with his organisation try to investigate the mysterious activities happening in the region.

The person behind the Syndicate's terrorist funds and the Empire versus all the islands is a young man deep within the Secreteriat of Publics and Nations that controls the present Westland with Wingates Military. He is called as "the Son of the Duke" and also the one who carries The Legacy of Vermilion. Maybe everything will be settled after Nathan and Jack finds about him, or is there MORE behind the red curtains itself?

Et sillee. Aattelin väsätä siitä eeppisen kaaottisen teoksen, jossa ois himmeesti twist and turnseja, ja samal stooris ois jossai vaiheis pienii rauhoittavia takauma kohtia, joissa seurattaisiin miten kaikki ajautui tähän ynnä muuta sellaista. Ois kiva saada pientä taustatukea samalla, ois kato jees. :P Et kiitsit sille et viititte lukasta tätä viestiä. =)

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