
Perjantai 16.03.2012 13:10

-Torstai 15.03.2012 01:05

Well I wanted something better, man.
I wished for something new,
And I wanted something beautiful,
And wish for something true.
Been lookin' for a reason, man,
Something to lose.
When the wheels come down...

Tiistai 13.03.2012 23:57

It's a hurt that never heals,
It's the deepest cut you feel.

all in the name of...Tiistai 13.03.2012 17:17


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 13.03.2012 15:23


-Tiistai 13.03.2012 11:07


now some coffee.Torstai 08.03.2012 20:27


-Keskiviikko 07.03.2012 19:54

You are the voice of reason that I can't escape
Cut me down a thousand times a day
I don't need you anymore
I don't need you anymore
I trusted you and there was no one else
All you did was make me doubt myself
Don't believe you anymore
Don't believe you anymore
You bled me out, you tore me down
Your time has come, you can go
'Cause you're a lie
All my faith's been wasted, wasted
'Cause you're a lie
I don't need you to save me anymore
I'm fragile but I'm not a fool
I won't hear another word from you
You won't hurt me anymore
You won't hurt me anymore
The hand I held just held me down
It took so long now I know
'Cause you're a lie
All my faith's been wasted, wasted
'Cause you're a lie
I won't sit here and take this anymore
You can say anything that you wanna say
But my intention's long gone and turned away
You're such a lie, you were only the enemy
Everything you are I will deny
'Cause you're a lie
I'll just come out and say it, say it
'Cause you're a lie
All my faith's been wasted, wasted
'Cause you're a lie
I don't need you to save me anymore
I don't need you to save me anymore
I don't need you to save me anymore

haluan.Keskiviikko 07.03.2012 18:47


-Tiistai 06.03.2012 19:52

Listaa ensin 10 parasta bändiä/artistia ja sitten kaikkien bändien/artistien 5 parasta biisiä

1. Guns N' Roses
2. Slash
3. Velvet Revolver
4. Linkin Park
5. Airbourne
6. Hardcore Superstar
7. Mötley Crüe
8. Avenged Sevenfold
9. Nickelback
10. Floaded

Ensimmäisen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Guns N' Roses):
1. Nightrain
2. You Could Be Mine
3. 14 Years
4. Dust N' Bones
5. Out Ta Get Me

Toisen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Slash):
1. Back From Cali
2. You're A Lie
3. Ghost
4. We're All Gonna Die
5. Beautiful Dangerous

Kolmannen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Velvet Revolver):
1. The Last Fight
2. Fall to Pieces
3. She Builds Quick Machines
4. Slither
5. Dirty Little Thing

Neljännen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Linkin Park):
1. New Divide
2. Given Up
3. Burning in the Skies
4. Iridescent
5. In the End

Viidennen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Airbourne):
1. Chewin' the Fat
2. Runnin' Wild
3. Heads Are Gonna Roll
4. What's Eatin' You
5. Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast

Kuudennen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Hardcore Superstar):
1. We Don't Celebrate Sundays
2. My Good Reputation
3. Guestlists
4. Dreamin' in the Casket
5. Split Your Lip

Seitsämännen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Mötley Crüe):
1. All in the Name of...
2. Wild Side
3. Girls, Girls, Girls
4. Saints of Los Angeles
5. Dr. Feelgood

Kahdeksannen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Avenged Sevenfold):
1. Nightmare
2. Welcome to the Family
3. Critical Acclaim
4. Seize the Day
5. Natural Born Killer

Yhdeksännen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Nickelback):
1. Bottoms Up
2. This Means War
3. Burn it to the Ground
4. Rockstar
5. Kiss it Goodbye

Kymmenennen bändin/artistin 5 parasta biisiä (Floaded):
1. Familiar Strangers
2. Friendly Enemies
3. Useless
4. No Named Street
5. I'm Ready, Who Are You
