


☆~ You Can't Wrestle Swordfish in Tampa ~☆

Theory Of A Deadman - Any Other WaySunnuntai 21.12.2008 23:50

You've tried to open your mouth but only shit would come out
I always wondered where you got it from
You haven't heard a damn word I've said,
you never believed in anything I did
I don't care what you're doing, do what you want to,
look where it got you

You can't help yourself
I know you'll never change
You say you don't need anyone
And wouldn't have it any other way

Just try to open your eyes and try my life on for size
I always wondered who you're hiding from
You haven't heard a damn word I've said,
you never believed in anything I did
I don't care who you're doing, do who you want to,
look what it got you

Well you can't help yourself
I know you'll never change
You say you don't need anyone
And wouldn't have it any other way

Oh you made a big mistake, and won't admit it
You say you don't need anyone
Oh you made a big mistake, so don't forget it
I know you'll never change
and wouldn't have it any other way

You can't help yourself
I know you'll never change
You say you don't need anyone
You say you don't need anyone
You say you don't need anyone

You've tried to open your mind and leave your last life behind
I always wondered what you're running from

Oh you made a big mistake, and won't admit it
You say you don't need anyone
Oh you made a big mistake, so don't forget it
I know you'll never change
and wouldn't have it any other way
You say you don't need anyone, anyway
You say you don't need anyone
and wouldn't have it any other way
You say you don't need anyone, anyway
You say you don't need anyone
and wouldn't have it any other way

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 23:47


[x] En pyörry nähdessäni verta
[x] Olen purrut ihmistä
[ ] Olen maistanut verta ja mielestäni se on hyvää
[ ] Inhoan valkosipulia
[ ] Pelkään teräviä puunpaloja
[/] Valvon myöhään/en saa unta yöllä
[/] Torkun päivisin
[x] Olen sosiaalinen ja viihdyn ihmisten seurassa

[ ] Olen kömpelö
[ ] Rehellisesti sanottuna olen aika tyhmä
[x] Viihdyn parhaiten laumassa kaltaisteni kanssa
[ ] Matkin toisia, minulla ei ole omaa persoonaa
[ ] En piittaa pätkääkään ulkonäöstäni
[x] Rakastan rentoa hengailua kavereiden kanssa
[/] Arvostan älyä, vaikken sillä itse loistakaan
[ ] Liikun erittäin kankeasti linkuttaen

[ ] Olen erittäin valpas täysikuun aikaan
[ ] Kärsin karvojen liikakasvusta
[x] Pidän lihasta
[x] Sudet ovat upeita eläimiä, eikä niitä saisi tappaa!
[ ] Minulla on valppaat vaistot
[x] Puolustaudun ärhäkästi
[ ] Minusta tuntuu, että koirani on sukua minulle
[/] Päivisin tunnen olevani ihan normaali

[ ] Olen nainen
[ ] Viettelen miehiä huvikseni
[ ] Erityisesti munkit on mieleeni
[ ] Olen viehkeä
[ ] Imen energiaa ympärillä olevista ihmisistä
[ ] Kerään spermaa
[ ] Minulla on/haluaisin lohikäärmeen siivet selkääni

[ ] Minussa on paljon voimaa
[x] Olen melko herkkä kokemaan yliluonnolisia asioita
[ ] Olen joskus harjoittanut magiaa
[ ] Olen tehnyt sopimuksen Paholaisen kanssa
[ ] Jos vielä olisi noitavainoja, minut varmasti poltettaisiin roviolla!
[ ] Intuitiivinen tietosi on vahva ja luotat siihen mukisematta
[ ] Minulla on kissa
[ ] Monet ovat kyselleet minulta selvyyttä esim. näkemiinsä uniin.

[ ] Olen paha
[ ] Jotkut kutsuvat minua riivaajaksi
[ ] Joskus koen olevani jumalista seuraava
[ ] Haluan että minua palvotaan jumalana
[ ] Olen oikea piru!
[ ] Olen kova valehtelemaan
[ ] Olen vihainen
[ ] Olen kova panettelemaan

Breaking Benjamin 200 Plays ScrobbledSunnuntai 21.12.2008 19:37


200th Track: Simple Design

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 16:15


_Kuittaa huomaamatta_Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 15:45

Diecast - Fade AwayLauantai 20.12.2008 21:38

We both knew the answers
To our misery and pain that stained our being
Lost in clouds of comfort
So afraid to take the fall into desolation

What could make you fade away?
I can't pretend that there's nothing left
What could make you fade away?
If there's something then I need it to fade away
Make you fade away,
Why can't I make you fade away?

Searching for completion
And so we venture separate ways to find fulfillment
I won't soon forget you
Your mark is branded on my heart and soul forever

What could make you fade away?
I can't pretend that there's nothing left
What could make you fade away?
If there's something then I need it to fade away

Nothing will make you fade away

We stand alone
Bonded by our compliance
Examining exactly how this happened
You were the one
The only one I wanted
Your choice was made and
Now I need you to fade away

I need you to fade away

What could make you fade away?
I can't pretend that there's nothing left
What could make you fade away?
If there's something then I need it to fade awa

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 20.12.2008 02:10

"Everybody's got a song to sing,
So won't ya come now and sing with me,
It doesn't really matter where your from or
whatcha done (watcha done)

Everybody's got a story to tell,
Times we've tried and times we've failed
So when ya feel like hope is gone
Keep holdin' on
This is your song"

Saliva - Here With You <3Lauantai 20.12.2008 02:00

Well I heard your voice on a tulsa wind when I was far away from home,
I will come to you in a dream my friend,
To love you when I'm gone.

And there's never a second,
Never a moment,
That you'll ever be alone.

From Memphis to Oklahoma,
From Boston to California,
From Detroit to Arizona,
I will always be forever Here With You.

Well the first time I ever seen your face,
I saw the ghost behind your eyes,
Ever consuming me with your warm embrace,
YouÂ’re a woman and a child.

And in just one second,
Just one moment,
it finally feels like home,

From Memphis to Oklahoma,
From Boston to California,
From Detroit to Arizona,
I will always be forever Here With You.

From Memphis to Oklahoma,
From Boston to California,
(Here With You)
From Detroit to Arizona,
I will always be forever Here With You.

In life there will be trials and troubles,
But we will always have each other,
And there could never be another woman in this world.

...In this world
...In this world
...In this world!

From Memphis to Oklahoma,
From Boston to California,
From Detroit to Arizona,
I will always be forever Here With You.

From Memphis to Oklahoma,
(Here With You)
From Boston to California,
(Here With You)
From Detroit to Arizona,
I will always be forever...Here With You.
P.S. Parhaani yritin, ei tarvitse vinkua.