


Mikä tää sydän juttu on? :D Kiitoksia sydämist!

GIMME A HUG WHEN YA SEE METorstai 02.10.2008 03:10

Jos näätte mut ja tunnette mut ja ehkä ollaan kavereita edes jotenkin niin tulkaa halaa 8((.

Iso hali ois tarpeen 8).... 8((

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 02.10.2008 01:52


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 29.09.2008 19:55

:> Rändöm-tuulella 8(. Pitäs lukkee saksan kokeeseenki.. 8(. Iha muual ajatukset, grrr!

- Sarah Connor >< I Just Started Being Bad -
(ja ei.. toi ajatukset iha muual ei liity kappaleeseen mitenkään)

Waaaah ;_; Maanantai 29.09.2008 00:31

;__________; Ei vaan jaksa.. Tulkaa prkl halaamaan jos näätte ;(. Tai mä syön teidät.

8(((( NoJustMaanantai 29.09.2008 00:31

Vuonna 69 eKr. pieni tyttö nimeltä Silja lähti sienestämään, eikä tullut pitkään aikaan kotiin. Kun hän viimein, viikon parin jälkeen palasi, oli hänellä mukanaan suuri korillinen sieniä. Silja maistoi yhtä sientä, sanoi "siikahan se siellä" ja kuoli. Nyt kun olet lukenut tämän ja toistanut nuo maagiset sanat mielessäsi, ensi yönä Silja sienineen ilmestyy peiliisi ja sanoo "siikahan se siellä" sen jälkeen jätti-sieni hyökkää kimppuusi ja kuolet kuten Silja. Jotta pelastuisit, kopioi tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi.

RIP Tiistai 23.09.2008 20:56

R.I.P Kaikki Kauhajoen tapaturmassa menehtyneet :(. Voimaa kaikille ihmisille jaksaa eteenpäin.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 22.09.2008 21:33

unohdin lasitki sit mummolaa >_> .. >_> >_> >_> *****! :(

When we met Keskiviikko 17.09.2008 23:35

Do you remember
when we met

I was sad
and tiny from within

My soul was broken
like a glass

My life was more
than sad

All you could see
in my eyes
was tears falling
like the rain

But now you've changed
me and my life
My soul
is pure and fixed again

Thank you for that,
my dearest friend

(C) Kira / Ceira

Tämmöst random-juttuu vaan 8( Keskiviikko 17.09.2008 23:08

(( Lisää osoitteessa - ei vain rakkautta ))

One day
you'll notice
no one around you
is the same

one day
you'll notice
even you've
become something
else that you once were

It happens without warning,
slowly it happens
and one day you just notice it..

But you know
you're able to control it
some how, some way
you have the control

it's about what you do,
and how do you do it

it's about decisions
that you make

Will you be something that
you once hated
or will you be something
that you've always wanted
to be

I wish
I could be your angel

I could sit on your shoulder
and make sure
you'd get safely home

I wish
I could pay back
all the things that
you did for me

Help you and be
there for you
when you'd need me

I'd take care of you
and make you happy
I'd let you use my
shoulder when you
feel like cryin

I own you my life
and the greatest thanks
And I don't know if i'm ever
able to pay back all those things

Oh, if I could
I so would

Today is what matters
don't care about tomorrow

The past is past
don't look behind

Tomorrow will come,
just have a little bit of patience

Enjoy of the moment
and the future will come to you

Do not worry
of tomorrow

it will come when it comes
and then you'll see

what it has to show you


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.09.2008 23:03

Life goes on
now matter how you'd
try to keep it the way it was,
it changes

Everything changes

The people around
you comes and goes
and how many of them

Some people
disappears and some
of them just becomes

The life changes
the people changes

Everything changes

In the golden age
when your hair turns to
gray, you see how
the people you've known
has passed away

The life has changed
but have you done the
What have you done?