


~ J'aime la petite mort ~

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.09.2009 18:43

ahhhahahah sain ehkä parhaan idean ikinä mut en mä sitä viel pysty toteuttaan :))

oli tänää 39 astetta kuumetta mut menin silti kouluun tiätte kyl varmaan miks ^w^

oikeesti ihan outoo,en oo ennen ollu ihastunu tällä tavalla :s ihan erilaista ja paljo hienompaa !

XD käytiin itikses kahen kaverin kans ja sit joku lalli tuli siihe et "täs sukupolves kaikki tytöt on kauheen pitkiä mut miten susta tuli noin lyhyt? onks sulla vie murrosikä edessä" xd

Oli vähä kivaa pukukopeis ;) xD
Tanssittii ja laulettiin siel ja sit huomasin sen peilin kyljes sellasen tarran mis luki et pukuhuoneis kameravalvonta Dx -facepalm-

ope: diana sunki pitäs saada noi sun hiukses tolleen jännästi kokkihatun alle kokonaan ettei sieltä yhtään hiuksia näy

diana: no en minää osaa,pistän nutturalle

ope: no saanko tulla näyttään?

diana: et D:

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.09.2009 00:27

Put your playlist on shuffle. Pick the first 15 songs that come up and add "in my pants".

1. El Manana in my pants.
2. Hot'N'Cold in my pants.
3. Kiss and Tell in my pants.
4. Forgive me in my pants.
5. The night in my pants.
6. Don't say goodbye in my pants (miks repesin? xDDdD)
7. Nasty girl in my pants. (o.o ........)
8. Loving U in my pants. (XDDDD)
9. Somebody's me in my pants (whuuut? 8DD)
10. Ugly girl in my pants. (:______DD)
11. One in my pants. (o.oo)
12.Noona's Dreams in my pants. (XD eiii.....)
13. Where do we draw the line in my pants.
14. One love in my pants. (9.9)
15. I'm so excited in my pants (Yeah ofc when HE'S near me,pfft XDDDDD)

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.09.2009 23:04

no vittu,tarviin uudet housut
ku oon nii köyhä et mul on vaa yhet housut ja oon näköjää laihtunu hesas iha vitusti et nää on ehkä koon tai kaks liia isot ja tippuu kokoaja?! : ( enkä ees k-pääst muistanu ees vyötä ottaa D:

ja ne näyttää iha tyhmiltä ku on iha melki pussimaiset kohta ;|

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.09.2009 22:32

Awwww oiskeesti sen huumori on just sellasta melkee samantyyppistä ku mulla *w* ei mitää sellast pervoo "oon kuullu et sonninkivekset on mehukkaita!"-juttua vaan sellasta toista ja tuntuu et voisin tosi helposti viihtyy sen seuras eikä olis kokoaja vaa sellast ihmeen kiusallista hiljallisuutta niinku mul on yleensä muiden poikapuolisten kans hence the reason i've never dated yet~

+ se on adrenaliinia mun sielulle :)) ainaki ajatteleeki sitä nii aina jaksaa tehä taas kaikkee vaik oisin alunperin ties kui väsyny (♥w♥)

Haluisin mennä huutaan parvekkeelle mutten taida ettei noi leikkivät lapset pelästy! ^w^

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.09.2009 20:56

Jes : ) ei tarvi enää oottaa kauaa huomista ^w^

niille jotka ei lue mun blogia <3Maanantai 07.09.2009 20:29

AA! it was the best and the worst day of my whole life (^w^)!

As you might've read from my earlier post,my morning started with te worst possible way haha,so i was somehow able to get rid of it and went to school - i nearly was late from school because the busses didn't move normally for some reason o,o
So i got to school,and i got into same team with HIM !!!!!! <3 omg,karma really favored me this time ♥ luckylucky me ! and then there were other people + HIS friend,kekeke~

So it was competition inspired by amazing race.At first stop we had to build a chair (whut?) yes,a chair,and so that it didn't touch the ground,yays ._. nothing special here

At 2nd stop we had to go to some old-styled market place where they mostly sold fresh food ingredients and homemade clothes,and we only had to find 2 teachers and we got our 2nd clue...

(Ok i little site note: in this entry im gonna call my sexipie Robert for now XD so there wont be any confusions)

Ok so,you might know that i'm a midget - meaning i can't walk too fast - well i can,but i can only take small steps haha xD

Sooo,everytime Robert noticed that i was getting a lil behind from others he'd walk slower so i could catch up AHOJÄADFBNSYJPBJD omg,how can a guy be so cute ^w^

On our 3rd stop we had to go to famous finnish building called Finlandia-house (or something like that XD) and we had to do something useless and it was actually so useless that i'm too lazy to write it here,harhar 8D nothing special

4th stop - Olympia stadium :D here,we had to eat apples and answer some question related to olympics x3 Robert and I were the ones who had to eat the apples and others were like "eat it eat it,faster faster" and we just lolled at them and then others wee like "cmoon robert,just look at diana,shes nearly finished" (I WAS RLY HELLA HUNGRY SO I JUST MUNCHED IT REEAL FAST :D) and then Heeeeee,my beloved sexiboy Robert looked me straight into my eyes,we were both munching our apples and it was kinda sexy feeling i got,huhu (^.~)
Didn't last for long tho because im so fucking shy and i rly do like him so i didn't dare to watch him for too long ^^

We continued our journey back to school to eat.While we were travelling with the underground thingy (here it's called metro,haha~) so we were chatting alot and we had rly fun and when Robert's friend stared at me because i was lolling when i remembered the time when i had an argue with my sister whether bananas grow in trees or bushes xD and he kept staring at me and then Robert started to stare at me too and laugh at me because laughter is contagious 8D

-cough- ANYWAYS! After we had eaten we got our 6th clue and we had to go to some lame place far away from school to fill some survey where we also had a chance to win some neat chef knives :)) And then once again i was getting abit behind from others and Robert was like "aww <3 cmoon you mince walker" aww it was so cute the way he said it <3 and he was omfg so social and fun,and reallyreally gentlemanny and rlrly awesome and the whole "amazing race time" was pure hell for me but atleast i was able to be in the same team with Robert,so nya! ;P was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute when we were waiting for the metro to arrive so Robert's friend told us some rly random thingy from his past that had nothing to do with anything and then Robert was like "what if i told something like that haha -tells some random made up memory from his past-" and im trying to keep my laugher and then Robert's like "btw diana,my story was better than his - right? :)" and i was like "yeah ofc it was :''D"

AWWWWW neva gonna forget this day <33
I think he's even MORE atractive thatn what he already was because i got to know him a little,
hope he thinks that im not a total jerk either ^^;

niille jotka ei lue mun blogia <3Maanantai 07.09.2009 20:29

AA! it was the best and the worst day of my whole life (^w^)!

As you might've read from my earlier post,my morning started with te worst possible way haha,so i was somehow able to get rid of it and went to school - i nearly was late from school because the busses didn't move normally for some reason o,o
So i got to school,and i got into same team with HIM !!!!!! <3 omg,karma really favored me this time ♥ luckylucky me ! and then there were other people + HI'S friend,kekeke~

So it was competition inspired by amazing race.At first stop we had to build a chair (whut?) yes,a chair,and so that it didn't touch the ground,yays ._. nothing special here

At 2nd stop we had to go to some old-styled market place where they mostly sold fresh food ingredients and homemade clothes,and we only had to find 2 teachers and we got our 2nd clue...

(Ok i little site note: in this entry im gonna call my sexipie Robert for now XD so there wont be any confusions)

Ok so,you might know that i'm a midget - meaning i can't walk too fast - well i can,but i can only take small steps haha xD

Sooo,everytime Robert noticed that i was getting a lil behind from others he'd walk slower so i could catch up AHOJÄADFBNSYJPBJD omg,how can a guy be so cute ^w^

On our 3rd stop we had to go to famous finnish building called Finlandia-house (or something like that XD) and we had to do something useless and it was actually so useless that i'm too lazy to write it here,harhar 8D nothing special

4th stop - Olympia stadium :D here,we had to eat apples and answer some question related to olympics x3 Robert and I were the ones who had to eat the apples and others were like "eat it eat it,faster faster" and we just lolled at them and then others wee like "cmoon robert,just look at diana,shes nearly finished" (I WAS RLY HELLA HUNGRY SO I JUST MUNCHED IT REEAL FAST :D) and then Heeeeee,my beloved sexiboy Robert looked me straight into my eyes,we were both munching our apples and it was kinda sexy feeling i got,huhu (^.~)
Didn't last for long tho because im so fucking shy and i rly do like him so i didn't dare to watch him for too long ^^

We continued our journey back to school to eat.While we were travelling with the underground thingy (here it's called metro,haha~) so we were chatting alot and we had rly fun and when Robert's friend stared at me because i was lolling when i remembered the time when i had an argue with my sister whether bananas grow in trees or bushes xD and he kept staring at me and then Robert started to stare at me too and laugh at me because laughter is contagious 8D

-cough- ANYWAYS! After we had eaten we got our 6th clue and we had to go to some lame place far away from school to fill some survey where we also had a chance to win some neat chef knives :)) And then once again i was getting abit behind from others and Robert was like "aww <3 cmoon you mince walker" aww it was so cute the way he said it <3 and he was omfg so social and fun,and reallyreally gentlemanny and rlrly awesome and the whole "amazing race time" was pure hell for me but atleast i was able to be in the same team with Robert,so nya! ;P was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute when we were waiting for the metro to arrive so Robert's friend told us some rly random thingy from his past that had nothing to do with anything and then Robert was like "what if i told something like that haha -tells some random made up memory from his past-" and im trying to keep my laugher and then Robert's like "btw diana,my story was better than his - right? :)" and i was like "yeah ofc it was :''D"

AWWWWW neva gonna forget this day <33
I think he's even MORE atractive thatn what he already was because i got to know him a little,
hope he thinks that im not a total jerk either ^^;

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.09.2009 09:21

ihan kiva ku koitan seisoo tai kävellä nii vittu meinaan pyörtyy kokoaja.....
ainut syy miksen pyörry on se et meen makaan tai istuun lattialle...
ja tuntuu ku aivot ois tules...srsly wtf...ja kiva ku tänää on se amazing race juttu kouluski ...
ei helv,kuolen sit aika varmasti :))

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.09.2009 00:11

AAAAAAAAAAA tshihihihiiiiiiiii >w< okei ei saa olla pervo oon oikeesti ihan ujo hiiihihihihihhihihiheehheehehehe <333 mut meen takas nukkuun,bye (^3^)~♥

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.09.2009 00:02

värjään ehk hiukset sellasiks tummanruskeiks :S
ärsyttää ku ei voi mitää hienoja kampauksia tehä ku o kaksväriset hiukset >< eikä ikinä pysty ostaa blondeja pidennyksiä,pfft !