


From Norway, Taiwanese= Taiwan, not 3rd world like Thailand plzzzz.....

this is stupidLauantai 24.11.2007 06:49

i like how the fact that i forgot some stuff but i still know how to play the piano.
its kind of like... i dont know how to do it but i still manage to do it- WEIRDO
I almost forgot my parents' name- SAD AS HELL

stuff from the sticky notes...Lauantai 24.11.2007 00:48

Street smart got me to survive in many different situations in the past.
When will i be able to go to the space and check out how beautiful earth is.
I forgot when did uncle died.( mum's 1st brother)
I still remember most of the stories in the show " Scrubs"
The Office is way too damn fucking brilliant \ O /
I cant locate where is my mobile phone charger
Is it for real that tomorrow i am going to play football at the Corona Park with Sergio Hoyer, Thomas Chu, and some other New Yorkers?
ah goodness, head hurts again
David Healy can create history!

Us the europeans are known for footballing but a fairly small country like N. Ireland is an odd one.

Remember 10years ago my old man told me this trivia about schooling in Great Britain- uncertain about the credentials- whatever.

Here it is: If you couldnt name just one, just one footballer from Northern Ireland- then your life will have a major changing, whether its for good or bad... you do the judgement.

George Best, of course he was good but overly... idolised i suppose?( come on, you admiited he is a God a long time ago!) Best was obviously a genius, and surely passionate for both football and the abuse of alcohol. Those two attributes definetely made Best a even stronger impact to the crowds than Pat Jennings and David Healy.( I really dont know much about N.Irish football history so i only know Pat Jennings, David Healy and George Best.) In the most recent years, if you google anything about N.Irish footballers- you find the immortalised David Healy.

i bet you 9 out of 10 football experts would say Daivd Healy is only a normal footballer, its true, since he finally got a deal with premiership team Fulham but his number of goals isnt that great :P

In 2005 world cup qualifying match, Healy helped N.Ireland to beat the 3lions( England), that match got Healy on the front page of almost every newspapers in Great Britain i believe. This year, in the qualifying match for Euro2008 against Spain( Las Palmas), it was a 3-2 result and Healy scored a hat- trick. The against Sweden, Healy scored twice to beat the Swedish. Against Liechenschtein, Healy bagged another hat- trick. Healy became the first N.Irish whom scored multiple numbers of hat- trick

And then against Denmark ( qualifying for Euro2008 still), the N. Irish really needed goals then... HEALY SCORES WITH A CRACKING HEADER!!! Healy once again saved his country! Even broke the record of Euro tournament- 13goals total!( before it was legend of Croatia, Sukur who bagged in 12goals total.) This is just amazing, incredable, and N. Ireland did not lose any home matches against Spain, Sweden and Denmark.( by the way, N.Ireland's home ground is the Windsor Park.)

Talking about one man show for N.Ireland is no bed story or tale. Its true that they are doing this one man show deal, the country scored totall 17goals thus far in this euro2008 qualification stuff and if you ignore the 13goals from super Healy, probablly the number would be UGLY.

Healy is something special, his goals are crucial, important, sometimes with only a goal then Healy seals the deal.

Healy is no big, speedy, fella. He is not even a trickster. However, the cool thing about Healy is that his touch, that feel with the ball is like he is superman or superfreak! One touch, one kick usually ends up a goal, a good pass. In those games N. Ireland played against those countries, often times if you looked at it carefully( hurts eyes im sure cuz that happened to me.) and you would notice that many goals that scored by Healy were done in motions, or without stopping the ball and blast it out. Even when the defender clearly has a better position than Healy does, but because of that little space Healy knows so he uses it and SCORES- what a fucking legend.

24shots on target, 13of them in the net. It does not even matter if N.Ireland did not qualify for Euro2008, because Healy already broke record of his national team and for Europe. If N.Ireland did not qualify for Euro2008- fine, because Healy will still be talking about in people's mouths- for a quite a few years.
for almost everything...
even my bank crap and for this and to turn my phone on...
but i still dont remember how to spell certain words:P

pepps what's up?Torstai 22.11.2007 19:06

what's ya'll?
im in NYC right now doing some therapy shit
got into an car accident a while ago,
some previous sports injuries are bothering me, and maybe long term lost of some memory:P

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.10.2007 05:25

Jesse, no matter what you said, its not your business, but thanks for being so caring.
But jesse time for you to go to class now.
and jesse, i gave you my myspace for you to use doesnt mean you can just go to other people's place and leave stuff to them, i still need to speak that cool 27year old dude

"Spirituality is relating with another being, if it be God or other people, spirituality is still relating with another being. Spiritual masturbation is only being able to relate with yourself, and we all know that's a lonely place" --Dr. Reek

We all should really learn this: The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!

—Rocky Balboa

Grant and I co- write this baby...Keskiviikko 17.10.2007 02:21

paranoid patriots point at un-Americans
chase them down in German made dreams
throwing burning books into mainstreams
injuring our crippled hearts and minds
rewind to times of evil grins making promises

cross eyes
rock back and forth
and the hidden picture is soon revealed

fascist flags are stickered on every SUV
as far as the eye can see

bad boy
your dad is dead
go to the corner and rest your head

linguistically linching your mind
histories new meaning equals cash
do you have enough to make it buy?
to buy the truth?

orchestrated collages of skin
create a new face
that no one can recognize you in
but see the secret smiles
and hear their hollow words
and swastikas pin you to the wall
bleeding out your red white and blue
until your a hollow lizard sucking freedom dry too

through dollar sign eyes we all see free
extinguish all thought
there was never a meaning

The Kingdom- good movie but...Tiistai 16.10.2007 10:26

When a terrorist bomb detonates inside a Western housing compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, an international incident is ignited. While diplomats slowly debate equations of territorialism, FBI Special Agent Ronald Fleury (Jamie Foxx) quickly assembles an elite team (Chris Cooper, Jennifer Garner, and Jason Bateman) and negotiates a secret five-day trip into Saudi Arabia to locate the madman behind the bombing. Upon landing in the desert kingdom, however, Fleury and his team discover Saudi authorities suspicious and unwelcoming of American interlopers into what they consider a local matter. Hamstrung by protocol-and with the clock ticking on their five days-the FBI agents find their expertise worthless without the trust of their Saudi counterparts, who want to locate the terrorist in their homeland on their own terms. Fleury's crew finds a like-minded partner in Saudi Colonel Al-Ghazi (Ashraf Barhoum), who helps them navigate royal politics and unlock the secrets of the crime scene and the workings of an extremist cell bent on further destruction. With these unlikely allies sharing a propulsive commitment to crack the case, the team is led to the killer's front door in a blistering do-or-die confrontation. Now in a fight for their own lives, strangers united by one mission won't stop until justice is found in The Kingdom. Written by Universal Pictures

my thought: This film could have pulled off a 7 or 8 out of ten, but Peter Berg has joined the ranks of sloppy, lazy filmmakers who tries to justify quick, sporadic cuts and shaky, hand-held camera-work as a "style". If you're a unskilled director who doesn't want to plan out your shots or bother to storyboard, just give you cameraman their cameras and tell them to keep moving and shooting. After all, if you're willing to edit quick enough cuts you can always "fix it in post".

We're seeing more and more of this type of film-making and in every case, we see films that would have functioned better if better directed. From Paul Greengrass' "Bourne" sequels to "Blair Witch" we hear audiences regularly complain about the shoddy direction, but when was the last time you heard someone say "it would have been better with more confusing, shaky camera-work"?

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.10.2007 23:28

If you got a pair of eyes, you have a certain way of looking things.
Therefore, we are bias

happy birthday TaiwanKeskiviikko 10.10.2007 09:59

so yeah, happy happy
let's party it up with... food eating contest?!