


From Norway, Taiwanese= Taiwan, not 3rd world like Thailand plzzzz.....

Armagedon... Bruce WillisLauantai 01.12.2007 03:27

Me: Of course Bruce Willis is fucking amazing and can fucking save lives.
He is the Bruce- fucking- Willis!
Grant: Mocha Bear... QUOTE OF THE DAY!
Jesse: What rhymes with baptism? Fabtism, naptism... i can use some naptism now :'D

Scrubs:DLauantai 01.12.2007 03:24

Ted: ahhh, we can do this! I bought my mum this thing what they called ' the birth control pill', thingy...
Janitor: Ughhhhhh, thanks but its highly disturbing. At least its thinking out of the box though.

Time FliesLauantai 01.12.2007 03:13

Time flies, now its almost toward the end of November.
But this week is especially passing by quickly, i totally think is great.
I am busy, still busy at the moment. 3days/ week for physiotherapy and memory training.
Though, my ability to identify colour has been improved- WEIRD
This weekend, i think i am gonna do something special and it can be something like...10km run, despite the weather is around -4°C. I think i will be fine, 10kn isnt that long xD
I think i have forgotten something again... :\

stuffMaanantai 26.11.2007 10:06

Sergio: have a nice trip, young boy. dont worry too much about life, the experiences will come to you, just have to stand tall be confident. Some people might have more experiences than you do, so what? It's their lives, they might fall early as well. Young Chris, i think you will do good.
Me: Oh My God.
Sergio: Nice to meet you
Me: Same here.
Uncle: Stand firm, be smart which you already are, and just make all kinds of connections with people you like/ dislike, they will teach you a lot, no matter good or bad.
Aunt: Come back again like last spring break, we love to have you around.
Me: (tears all over my face)

Someday, i will go discover the rest of our family members, also the ones that are still in the Middle East. When i find those people, i will interview them, get to know them, then i will feel proud.
I am the 27th generation of the Lih family.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.11.2007 09:07

there will be people doubting you, they are afraid of you will surpass them, they are SCARED of you
one of the lines from whatever movie Denzel Washington was in.

gotta start well, finish it strong : )
they are at 12th right now...
critics will be on soon

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 24.11.2007 07:02

Grant: Mocha Bear, i hope you wont forget things like... that you are a mocha bear.
Me: Thanks...:'D
Tim: what's up with the mocha bear name?
Me: you dont wanna ask that question...
Jesse: ohhhh, he should ;)
Me: what happened now :'D
All of them: dont even try that!

-why my uncle and my aunt are so funny, half of the time he doesnt even listen to what she is talking about then he just say something like wow, or yeah yeah yeah as the response to her statements. -

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 24.11.2007 06:57

my ex- cross country teammate, Christopher Tegetmeier is gonna be included on the US national team for the event of speed walk, which means he will be going to China for the 2008 Summer Olympics, hi 5!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 24.11.2007 06:54

sucks to know that you are not doing well

this is stupidLauantai 24.11.2007 06:49

i like how the fact that i forgot some stuff but i still know how to play the piano.
its kind of like... i dont know how to do it but i still manage to do it- WEIRDO
I almost forgot my parents' name- SAD AS HELL