So somebody from my history class asked me that question the other day... so i thought it would be nice for myself to take a look at it.
1. a 0.5 ball point pen from Pentel.
2. student ID
3. keys
4. a book which i purchased like... last week: The Travels of Marco Polo
5. Perrier water
6. Ipod mini( Borat: everybody knows ipod mini is for girls xD)
7. 250GB space hard drive designer by F.A.Porche
8. green puma hat- purchased by kassu's mama
9. Aquafina hydrating lip oil
10. a terrible old fashioned celluar phone: Samsung something something
11. tissues ( caught cold recently)
12. wallet ( cant live without money :P)
13. vitamins from Centrum
14. ordbok for engelsk
:P, thats a lot of shit..... geeeeez
a quote of the day as well : "Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself - and be lenient to everybody else." -Henry Ward Beecher