
RealEyesRealizeLiesSunnuntai 30.08.2009 15:00

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.08.2009 20:23

Rentosotamies Tarvainen

BoilerSunnuntai 26.07.2009 18:51

Looks like I'm gonna do everything myself
Maybe I could use some help but hell,
You want something done right, you gotta do it yourself
Maybe life is up and down but my life's been (what?)
Till now I crawled up your butt somehow and that's when things got turned around
I used to be alive
Now I feel pathetic and now I get it
What's done is done you just leave it alone and don't regret it
But sometimes, some things turn into dumb things
And that's when you put your foot down.

Why did I have to go and meet somebody like you? (like you)
Why did you have to go and hurt somebody like me? (like me)
How could you do somebody like that? (like that)
Hope you know that I'm never coming back (never coming back)

Looks like I'm gonna do everything myself (everything myself)
Maybe I could use some help but hell,
If you want something done right, you just do it yourself (got it?)
Maybe life is up and down but my life's been (what?)
Till now (got it) I crawled up your butt somehow (got it)
And that's when shit got turned around (got it)
I used to be alive, I'm so pathetic but now I get it, what's done is done
I know you, just leave it alone and don't regret it
But sometimes some things turn into dumb things
And that's when you put your foot down.

Why did I have to meet somebody like you?
Why did you have to hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that?
Hope you know that I'm never comin' back

Why did I have to meet somebody like you?
Why did you have to hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that?
Hope you know that I'm never comin' back

Depending on you is done, giving to you is done
No more eating, no sleeping, no living, it's all just more giving to you and I'm done
Depending on you is done, giving to you is done
No more reaching, no sleeping, no living, it's all just more giving to you and I'm done
The hiding from you is done, the lying from you is done
No more eating, no more sleeping, no living, it's all just more giving to you and I'm done

Why did I have to meet somebody like you?
Why did you have to hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that?
I hope you know that I'm never coming back

Why did I have to meet somebody like you?
Why did you have to hurt somebody like me?
How could you do somebody like that?
I hope you know that I'm never coming back
Why? Why? Why?

Take a look aroundSunnuntai 26.07.2009 18:38

all the tension in the world today
all the little girls fillin up the world today
when the good comes to bad the bad comes to good
but im a live my life like i should (like i should)
now all the critics wanna hit it
shit can ever did it
just because they dont get it
but ill stay fitted
knew there commited
now this red cap gets a wrap from these critics
do we always gotta cry (gotta cry)
do we always gotta live inside a lie (live inside a lie)
lifes just a blast
its movin really fast
better stay on top
or life will kick you in the ass
follow me into a solo
remember that,kid
so what you wanna do
and where you gonna run
when your starin down the cable of my
might put it at your grill like gun
Limp Bizkit is rockin the set
its like russian roulette
when your placin your bet
so dont be upset
when your broke
and your done
cuz im a be the one til i jet(im a be the one til i jet)
i know why you wanna hate me
i know why you wanna hate me
i know why you wanna hate me
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
i know why you wanna hate me
i know why you wanna hate me
now i know why you wanna hate me
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
why you wanna hate me
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
why you wanna hate me
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
does anybody really know the secret
or the combination for this life
and where they keep it
its kinda sad when u dont know the meanin
but everything happens for a reason (everything happens for a reason)
i dont even know what i should say
cause im an idiot
a loser, microphone abuser
i analyze every second i exist
beatin on my mind every second with my fists
and everybody wanna run (wanna run)
everybody wanna hide from the gun (hide from the gun)
you can take a ride through this life if you want
but you cant take the edge off the knife (no sir)
and now you want your money back (money back)
but your denied cause your brains fried from the sack
and there aint nothin i can do
cause life is a lesson
you learn it when your through
i know why you wanna hate me (wanna hate me)
i know why you wanna hate me (know why you wanna hate me)
i know why you wanna hate me (know why you wanna hate me)
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
i know why you wanna hate me (why you wanna hate me)
i know why you wanna hate me (you wanna hate me)
now i know why you wanna hate me (wanna hate me)
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
know why you wanna hate me
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
know you wanna hate me
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
now i know why
now i know why
now i know why
now i know why
now i know why you wanna hate me
now i know why you wanna hate me
now i know why you wanna hate me
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately
cause hate is all the world has even seen lately

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.07.2009 20:15

Petetty ja hajotettu. Ehkä olen tyhmä, ehkä en. Päivä kerrallaa. Ollaan kaikki onnellisia että en ole samanlainen kuin ennen. Toivotaan että luottamus ei mene hukkaan. Seurauksista en enää sitten vastaa.

Aamuja.Perjantai 24.07.2009 18:03

Ensimmäinen pari viikkoa takana. Ainut vitutus johtuu kun joutuu olemaan poissa Jassun luota. Vähän jänskättää kun on niin "paljon" pois. Eikä tiedä mitä toinen miettii ja missä viilettää. Kovia päiviä, kovia päiviä.. Sunnuntaina 350 aamua. Hieno meininki. Jeij!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 13.07.2009 01:40

Huomenna suunta Tikkakoskelle. Jeij! TJihanvitunpaljon.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.07.2009 01:42

• Mistä nickisi on peräisin? - Chuckysta. Suosittelen elokuvia.

• Milloin sulla on synttärit? - Kerran vuodessa.

• Seurusteletko? - Kyllä.

• Mitä tekisit, jos naapurisi tulisi ja hakkaisi ikkunasi rikki? - Öö. Ihmettelisin hetken ja sitten kostoreissulle.

• Kumpi tulee ensin leivälle, juusto vai makkara? - Aivan sama.

• Käykö ketsuppi kaiken kanssa? - Suattaapi olla.

• Olet tilaamassa fantasiapizzan, mitkä ovat täytteet? - Kebab x 8

• Onko koulu kivaa? - Ei ole minun juttu.

• Kumman valitset tv vai tietokone? - PC

• Unelmakämppä vai Huippumalli haussa? - Jhaa a.

• Lenkkarit vai tennarit? - Ne mitkä jalkaan mahtuu.

• Onko sinulla lävistyksiä? - On.

• Jos vastasit kyllä, missä? - Korvassa vain.

• Entä onko tatuointeja? - Tulossa.

• Jos vastasit kyllä, missä? - ...

• Omistatko iPodin? - En.

• Montako tuntia vietät aikaa koneella/vrk? - Riippuu päivästä.

• Tiiätkö kuinka nopea nettisi on? - Ei ole omaa.

• Minkä merkkistä hiuslakkaa käytät? - No eipä tule käytettyä.

• Kun katsot peiliin, mitä näet? - Itseni.

• Mikä kappale saa tanssijalkasi liikkeelle? - Katotaan.

• Mikä kappale saa kyyneleet pakkautumaan silmille? - Eipä tule mieleen sellaista.

• Mikä kappale saa sinut iloiseksi? - Monikin.

• Oletko koskaan meinannut kuolla? - Pari kertaa sattunut läheltäpititilanne kohdalle.

• Pitkä letti tekee miehen, oletko samaa mieltä? - Pyhpahjapyh.

• Onko ruotsi puhevika? - Jos sitä ei osaa.

• Miksi banaaneissa on kuoret? - Säilyttää sisällön.

• Kun laitat kädet ristiin, kumman käden peukalo on päälimmäisenä? - Oikean.

• Mitä mieltä olet viiltelystä? - No jos se auttaa niin aivan sama minulle.

• Oletko koskaan harkinnut itsemurhaa? - Ehkä.

• Onko sinulla sisaruksia? - Veljes.

• Milloin siivosit viimeksi ja mitä? - Mökkiä.

• Mitä tällä hetkellä odotat? - Rahaa.

• Missä olet nyt ja oletko siellä yksin? - Pajupurolla. En ole. Jassu, Jaana, Markus ja Jertzukka. :D

• Cokis vai Pepsi? - Koukkakoula.

• Mikä on toinen nimesi? - Joonas.

• Mikä on paras suklaapatukka mielestäsi? - Pyhh..

• Juna vai bussi? - Lättähattu.

• Osaatko tehdä kärrynpyörän? - Eiköhän se onnistu.

• Entä kuperkeikan? - Jeps.

• Minkä kohteliaisuuden kuulit viimeksi (sinuun kohdistuneen)? - Kiitosta vaan tullut auttamisesta.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 02.07.2009 21:58

Kilon palasiksi, tarpeen vaatiessa.