


[Take a picture and jump before we crash.]


- Vanhemmat »
According to some people, there are only 36 basic story plots that just get reused. Others say there are merely 20. Some people even say there's only one plot, but they probably just watch too many Michael Bay movies. I like the theory that there are only seven plots. It's a nice round number, and the plots are vague enough that you can shoehorn anything from Citizen Kane to a cereal commercial into them.

In the spirit of oversimplifying things so that you can smugly shove human endeavors into pre-labeled slots, I'd like to present my own, contemporary take on this premise: the Seven Basic Blog Posts.

1. Be upset!
Terrible things are happening in one of the following: the world, the web or a television show you really like. Make a blog post about it! People will comment about how much they agree with you. Then they'll make their own blog posts about the subject, and other people will comment about how much they agree with them. If we all work together we'll learn that we can make a real impact on our pageviews.

2. Buy a thing!
For too long, the mainstream media have shoved advertising down our throats. It's time for us to take the reins of mass communication and shove advertising down each other's throats! If we both see the same overproduced movies and lust after the same overpriced devices, then maybe the bitter wind of loneliness won't bite quite so fiercely.

3. Animals are cute!
Nobody likes animals when they act like animals. Videos of a cat snapping a robin's neck don't go big. No, we like animals when we can convince ourselves that they're just like us, only with worse spelling. For the purposes of this category, animals also includes babies and children younger than 8.

4. People are dumb!
Try this: Put up videos of yourself volunteering at a soup kitchen, giving a speech at a symposium and breaking your arm in seven places doing the "shopping cart luge." Guess which one will get the most hits. We like our animals to appear smarter than they really are and our humans dumber, which means that the perfect internet celebrity would be a somewhat slow-witted centaur. In a Darth Vader outfit.

5. Something I like, only different!
Liking new things takes so much effort. You have to learn all these unfamiliar characters or remember completely new lyrics. It's much easier to like something that you already know about. The Matrix -- in cookie form! The Lord of the Rings -- if Frodo was a ninja! The Mario Bros. theme song -- played on the hollowed-out skulls of owls! We're already starting to see this undergo a third iteration: Star Wars, only with homemade lightsabers, only in a Weezer video! In about 10 seconds, someone's going to make a Lego version of that video, bringing it to the fourth level.

6. Weird science!
This includes homemade experiments involving explosives, as well as actual scientific studies. There are two types of scientific studies: Ones you agree with, and ones you don't. If you disagree with a study, you should link to it and point out how stupid and biased it is. If you agree, you should link to it and point out how ridiculous it is that scientists get paid to state the obvious. Either way, you're educating your readers that you're smarter than science.

7. Me, the blogger!
We've reached an age where egotism is considered too much work. Why discuss your hopes and fears when you can just post the results of online tests, show cartoon versions of yourself and collect "friends"? It's a good thing Anais Nin wasn't a blogger, or instead of a steamy tale of sexual awakening and creative fervor, we'd just know that if she was a Ninja Turtle, she'd be Raphael.

Google SyntaxTiistai 29.01.2008 16:31

text file on google syntax commands for, you guessed it I will cut to the chase.

Syntax commands help you widen your search results and sometimes can be used for exploiting web pages.(But I don't think you should do that.)

PHRASE SEARCHES: If you want to look for a phrase like IE: "to be or not to be" You must let google know it is a phrase by putting parrenthsise on each end of the phrase.

BASIC BOOLEAN: Googles basic boolean is and;that mean if you enter query words without modifiers,google will search for all of the words, EX:if you search for //zx3 lavalamp "hondazmutsu" // google will sarch for all the words.If you prefer to specify that one word or phrase is acceptable,put an OR between each word.OR is the substitute for the | (pipe).

NEGATION: If you search for //green flowers// and you come up with other stuff like green flower dolls then you may want google to take away what you don't wnat so if you don't want dolls then your search would be like this ///green flowers -dolls// or you can do -"dolls",remember make sure there is a space before the - and no space after or it won't work.

EXPLICIT INCLUSION:Google will search for all the word in the phrase you specify,but there are some exceptions,like the words most commonly used like "a" "i" "the" "of" just to name a few.So if you want to or have to include those then add a + before the stop word. EX: +the big mom /// If you have more than one stop word in a sentance then do this// +the big mom +is huge // Adding a + at every stop word.

FULL-WORD WILDCARDS: Some search engines use a techniqe called STEMMING, but I'm too lazy to explain what it is because were not using it but all I can say is it is the same thing as a full-word wildcard so adding a * before or after a word will come up with multiple subjects.For example: moon* would find :moonS,moonLIGHT,and moonSHOT ect. but it gets all the words you can add onto the end of moon IE: LIGHT SHOT.if you search "three * mice" it would com up with : three blue mice,three green mice,and three blind mice ECT.So the * is a stand in for a word like ' in the english language.

TEN WORD LIMIT Google has a ten word limit for searches,you can bypass it by two methods:

1.cut down on common words.

2. use * wildcards for common words.


INTITLE: intitle: is use to find a web page if you don't know its name.For instance the website your trying to find is but you only remember "ever"in the address,so you type /// intitle:"ever" /// and you will find it,by the way the site command will be displayed next.

SITE: the site: syntax is to specify a top level domain like .com, .org, .gov, and such so that explains how I used it in the inurl: example above.

INTEXT: the intext: syntax skips all the urls,pages,EVERYTHING, and only searches for text in web pages so you can imagine what its used for.Like once in totse.c0m there is a erotic section I had to have a password to get in.So I used /// inurl:totse*/erotica intext:pussy /// that got me in by bypassing the password login and going straight to the stories.The inurl:totse*/erotica searched for all files in the site totse in the /erotica section, and the intext:pussy searched for and stories with pussy the word in them.By the way the inurl: stynax will be diplayed next.

INURL: the inurl: syntax searches for all websites with whatever you typed in in the address.EX: inurl:totse will search for all sites with the word totse in the address name.

LINK: now this ones usefull for you webmasters out there, the link: syntax searches for all sites linking to the site you specified,EX: will find all sites linking to in one way or another.

CACHE: have you ever gone to a site and it is all of a sudden of line and you want to know what happened to it?well heres your answer the cache: syntax,it displays the last time google took a photo of the site when it was online.EX: if was off line and you wanted to know what happened to it you would type and google will display a pitchure of what it was like before it went ofline.

FILETYPE: the filetype syntax is used to narrow your search to a specific file type EX: inurl:totse filetype:jpg will search for all jpg's at, it works with ANY filetype.

PHONEBOOK: you can find peoples,buissnesses,and the entire phonebooks list of numbers using this syntax. Use rphonebook: for residential only and bphonebook: for buissnesses only,and phonebook: for all of it.EX: just enter the name of the person or buissnes IE: rons carpets ,and the city name IE: NY , and the state IE: NY . And it will give you the number.

A WORD ON MIXING SYNTAX: Use common sense when mixing syntax, don't mix ones that will cancel each other out.

The DarkTorstai 08.11.2007 23:57

The dark is where I dwell;
My home away from a living Hell.
Evil thoughts cloud my mind;
As the darkness overwhelms Mankind.

A simple step through the door;
Onto the soft, spongy floor.
Darkness covers my entire mass;
Soft flesh and sparkling glass.

Journeying through streets on the run;
Counting the shadows, one by one.
Healthy thoughts, what a pity.
Such infests this Goddamned city.

Life is not forever, such as people fail to understand;
When the end comes they will always flee this land.
Stranger things shall come to pass, as I don my mask;
Feel the chilled winds as I glare and tip my flask.

The night is young but I am not;
Lustful thoughts of decay and rot.
Soon I shall pass away;
To come back another day.

By cDc

Some advice to live a good life.Maanantai 10.09.2007 01:10

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. When you hear someone sneeze, give him/her a hanky.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson .

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.08.2007 01:54

We believe that the single most important thing in any persons’ life is finding their passion. It doesn’t matter what that passion is. It can be anything. However, once you have found your passion in life you must then do what ever it takes (as long as it doesn’t hurt others) to live it…

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 14.10.2006 00:58

Listaa KUUSI laulua, joista tällä hetkellä pidät. Genrellä ja sanoilla ei ole väliä, eikä haittaa vaikka laulu ei edes olisi mitenkään hyvä, kunhan itse nautit siitä. Kopioi nämä ohjeet omaan päiväkirjaasi/blogiisi/journaliisi niiden kuuden laulun kanssa. Nakita sitten seuraavat seitsemän henkilöä (tai vähemmän jos olet laiska ja juoppo vätys) nähdäksesi mitä he kuuntelevat.

1) In Flames - Take This Life
2) In Flames - Swim
3) The Berzerker - Ode to nash
4) Arch Enemy - Behind the smile
5) Ablaze my Sorrow - Machine Supreme
6) Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
- Vanhemmat »