


A twist in my story

¤Perjantai 16.04.2010 03:01

Listen honey,
Let me see you smile,
Don't be look at me funny,
You got a better style,
See me coming,
Don't look the other way,
Don't start running,
You stole my heart away,
Don't give me that run around,
You know I treat you fine,
You don't understand the way I feel,
You got my heart rolling like a wheel
I'm In The Black again,
Can't go back,
can't be who I was back then,
It's only me,
it's only me outside your door,
Let me be,
I'm the one your waiting for

Sonisphere, here i come!Perjantai 16.04.2010 01:27

I hate mens (at least) 4 times more than I did before..

~Keskiviikko 14.04.2010 03:29

My mind and my body are falling apart, piece by piece..

miehistä on vaaaaaain harmia.Torstai 08.04.2010 08:32

Harmia, harmia, harmia, harmia.
Haistakaapa kaikki (miehet) vaan kakka.

ahMaanantai 05.04.2010 21:29

vaniljajäätelö suklaalla ja mantelilla kuorutettuna <3

17,90 vuottaLauantai 03.04.2010 08:17

4 weeks and 6 days.




Let's Party !

hahaMaanantai 29.03.2010 07:42

löysin mun huoneesta pitkän punasen karvan mikä tummeni toiseen päähän mentäessä.. Ja olin KASILLA sillon kun mulla viimeks oli punaset hiukset :D

ai millon oon viimeks siivonnu? ööö.... hehe...

en oo mikään kauhee siisteysintoilija.

..Sunnuntai 28.03.2010 01:22

It's so hard to say that I'm sorry, I'll make everything alright
All these things that I've done now what have I become
And where'd I go wrong
I don't mean to hurt, just to put you first
I won't tell you lies (I'm sorry)
I will stand accused with my hand on my heart
I'm just trying to say
I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me
I know that I can't take back all of the mistakes
But I will try
Although it's not easy, I know you believe me, 'cause I would not lie
Don't believe their lies, told through jealous eyes, they don't understand (I'm sorry)
I won't break your heart, I won't bring you down
But I will have to say
I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me
I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me

hm, onpas hassua.Tiistai 23.03.2010 05:36

mä tässä tajusin just että mulla ei oo yhtäkään sellasta ihmistä jota mä oikeesti vihaisin. ei yhtään. mutta niitä kyllä löytyy jota väheksyn, halveksun tai en piä oikeestaan minään. mutta en voi sanoo vihaavani ketään.