


parodioi ihmiselämää omallaan

If I had a blog #55 WastelandTorstai 08.10.2009 03:03

Feed me fire, and I shall ravish this land,

Leave the wretched soil desolate.

Till no brick stands atop the other,
ground no more paved, structure none intact,

That of the hand of man lies in utter ruin,
once forced into geometry, now scathed, torn part.

Let the frost eat away which still lies within,
until the world can breathe free.

A new beginning for the weary wasteland.

Once exhausted shall become invigorated.


The New Wasteland

It's not a thing of mood

its a question unanswered.


If I had a blog #53 Full of InkTorstai 01.10.2009 17:15


As the darkness gnawed upon my peripherals, I knew a body fell breathless in the light that remained. Series of plans expired almost as an ironic metaphor for the life itself in the moment. One could imagine a vivid blast of some abstract force of life leaving a person in the form of bright rays of light and a gaseous substance. There was nothing to see, nothing to hear. She had died away for a long time. Now the roar inside her subsided, and all fell tranquil again. A world without her felt oppressively quiet.

Full of Ink,
yours truly.



Maybe this is the beginning of a series to be called Full of Ink, as Az once rhymed.


If it were for us to dictate, we'd never part this fragment of life of ours.

Get caught in a loophole.

Employ, enslave, surf.

Live one a moment.


If I had a blog #51 Keskiviikko 30.09.2009 02:07

#51 27.9.2009 4:00

Who might I be when I wake up?


Which man passed, yet none immortal,
leave a trail of crumbs, passers by.

Anything can be a waste of time.


I can merely be the lies I tell.

If I had a blog #50 ReconcilationLauantai 26.09.2009 01:18

We're here tonight because we've lost our hearts.

Should the night take my life,
I want to wake up next to you
like it were before.

Your rage scolds my body.

Move closer,
come back,
leave your nightmare behind,
pacify my visions.

When you're here, still gone, the ripples turn to waves.
I can't touch you.

WinrawrPerjantai 25.09.2009 22:08

24.09.2009 17:30 <Ylläpito> Tervetuloa! Sinut on valittu koekäyttämään uudistettua IRC-Galleriaa osoittessa [--] Sisään pääset [--] . Tarkemmat ohjeet saat sisäänkirjauduttuasi. Huom! Kutsu on henkilökohtainen.


If I had a blog #49 Novel FlightKeskiviikko 23.09.2009 02:50

Novel Flight

If I had a blog #48 Loose EndsKeskiviikko 16.09.2009 00:23

If I had a blog #47 WakeSunnuntai 13.09.2009 04:00

Sweeping the surface
tranquillity in motion.

Something as puny as a droplet
can distort the whole plane.


With time.


I waited.