


your knife my back, my gun your head.

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.. tiätäisitpä vaa..Torstai 20.01.2011 15:45

I'm climbing the walls,
losing my mind,
it's all your fault.
I'm breaking the rules,
don't really care if I get caught.

Can't you tell that I'm in love, love, love,
can't get enough of you.
Need you night and day.
When you're not around
I'm tested, I could get arrested,
carrying on this way.

I'm going crazy here by myself.
I want you and no one else.
Sending out a signal of my distress.
I confess, I'm obsessed.
It's a crime, it's a shame, holding your love for me.
It's a crime, it's a shame, it's a crime.

I'm obsessed, I'm obsessed.
I'm obsessed, I'm obsessed.

No telling what I might do tonight,
waiting for you.
I'm right on the edge of crossing the line,
coming unglued.

Can't you tell that I'm in love, love, love,
can't get enough of you.
Need you night and day.
When you're not around
I'm tested, I could get arrested,
carrying on this way.

I'm going crazy here by myself.
I want you and no one else.
Sending out a signal of my distress.
I confess, I'm obsessed.
It's a crime, it's a shame, holding your love for me.
It's a crime, it's a shame, it's a crime.

Got me goin' crazy
the way I want you, baby.
Can't even try to have it.
Don't even want to fight it.

I'm obsessed with you tonight!
I'm obsessed with you tonight!

I'm going crazy here by myself.
I want you and no one else.
Sending out a signal of my distress.
I confess, I'm obsessed.
It's a crime, it's a shame, holding your love for me.
It's a crime, it's a shame, it's a crime.

:(Maanantai 17.01.2011 10:08

kaikki vaan menee muccuun ja mä en pääse koska mulla ei oo rahaa >< tää on niin väärin.. :((((((( no mut.. giruja odotellessa ~~

jooLauantai 08.01.2011 21:54

pitäs vissiinki ens viikol käyä vähä kirjastossa hakee pino kirjojaa o.o :O

o.o järkytysPerjantai 07.01.2011 00:42

siis oon kerrassaan järkyttyny tästä. ja siis hyvällä tavalla :D :) <3

just ><Maanantai 03.01.2011 10:58

mullon hei kylmä ja tooosi tylsää. mun silmiin sattuu koska itkin varmaa 4 tuntia putkeen illal / yöllä.. jeij. no sellasta sattuu... nyt on kans jänskät hiukset, näätte illalla, ku laitan kuvaa. omnomnom.
tääl koulussa ei oo hirveeennn kiva olla :(((
et haistakaa vittu te lomailiat :)

hnnSunnuntai 02.01.2011 17:08

the HIUSKRIISI iski :(

hey joku nyt!Lauantai 01.01.2011 21:10

keksikää mullle tekemistä :(

mä oon tänään jo

-leiponu muffineit
- maalannu seinää kimalleliimalla (XD)
- kirjottanu hannalle kirjeen..
-??? :O

kimalleliima<3Lauantai 01.01.2011 16:56

joo innostuin taas pikkase XD

hahLauantai 01.01.2011 02:09

hyvää uuttavuotta vaa kaikille :)

heheePerjantai 31.12.2010 17:40

sain pinkin maalipurkin ja vähän innostuin xD lopputulos obn upee!