


your knife my back, my gun your head.


Älä näytä modausta
  • So do you want me
    Do you want me dead?

Bree Bree

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Im falling down,
erasing memories you gave to me.
I'm still alive,
and nothing you can say can make me breathe.
So please take away the pain that hurts me.
I dont wana be alone and thirsty.
So many drugs to push the pain i have intrapped in me,
Cause i dont wana live my life inside the fantasy.
So please take away the pains that fills me.
I dont wana be the one that kills me.
I cant take this pain cause im dying.!
I cant close my eyes cause im crying.!
Cause these pills are takin over my brain.
Side effects causes pain,
i think im going insane.