


I am the alpha omega sent to expose your lies. I am your God now.

lololTiistai 05.07.2011 02:40

jeeaaa meitsi tuli takas tuolt metän keskelt popsimast tablettei woooohoooo melkee unohin milt pakokaasu haisee :DD

epicTorstai 30.06.2011 19:04

olin kipee, ei oo konetta, vedän lääkkeit, pyöräiltii puol päivää, ja ny ollaa jossai kauppakeskukses koneel :DD Ep!c h4x veli syö jädee

Mahtavaa kuin F**kSunnuntai 26.06.2011 16:12

Siskon iPod + Mun kuulokkeet + King for a Day = AWESOME AS FUUUCCKKKK

jtnSunnuntai 26.06.2011 00:03

Ja just ku sitä luulee olevansa elämänsä pohjalla, joku heittää sulle lapion...

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.06.2011 02:32

Vihatkaa mua...ei haittaa koska vihaan ittekkin ;(

prrrrrrrr...Keskiviikko 22.06.2011 02:27

Jenkkifutis on kivaa :DD

fgKeskiviikko 22.06.2011 01:51
sori feilas vähä äsken xDD

fdghkKeskiviikko 22.06.2011 01:48

DrugsTiistai 21.06.2011 03:19

First time you down it yeah you have a laugh
Second time you down it you'll be low on cash
Third time you fall, with the alcohol

First time you smoke it, no you never regret it
Second time you sniff it, you'd be up to some mischief
Third time unlucky, cocaine

You can sniff it and you can down it
And you can lick it and like it and light it
But you can't fight it oh boy, alcohoool
You can loathe it, and (or) you can own it, and you can roll it
And inject in, and sniff it' and smoke it, cocaine
You can like them, and you can love them
And you can eat them, but you can't beat them

Lots of couple of drinks, my head starts to spin
A few months streets tipsin'
I'm losing real, my world slowly begins to slip
Two or couple o'lines, let's get high,
Too many more and I'm not keepin' score
No one secretly want more

One last time!

lolMaanantai 20.06.2011 15:19

Champange, Cocaine and Strawberries♥