



Stormtroopers of death -kill yourselfPerjantai 16.05.2008 18:11

Can't take it, never could
Time to end it, wish you would
Friends and family, they're all gone
Life for you is just a con
Dig yourself a hole in the ground
Push up daisies six feet down
Take a dirt nap, buy the farm
Inject a bubble in your arm

Kill yourself, kill yourself
Why don't you kill yourself

Don't rely on no one else
End it all just kill yourself

Life is just a one way ticket
Everyone must go around
Here's a bucket go and kick it
Slit your wrists without a sound
When you fo don't make a big deal
No dramatics, don't overplay
Cause don't you know that we'll all fell
Better once you've gone away


You're a loser, there's nothing left for you
A worthless loser, at everything you do

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