


Right now I don't give a f*ck

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Someone is a little bit shy today : 3Lauantai 24.11.2007 14:39


:'33Lauantai 24.11.2007 14:36

en tiä miks nauran näin paljon :''DDD

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 24.11.2007 14:34

kaah en voi alkaa lukee ku ei jaksa mut on kai pakko!! nyyh!
vitun folosofia en tajua vittuakaa!
tänää tulee dirujen haastis <33 ihanaa!
ja meevin uudet biisit on edelleen niin ihania että en kestä!!
KAAAAH!! ja eilen mentii meinaa sellasella meinigillä että ;DDD

Cittarin parkkipaikal oltii varmaa 2 tuntia XD
c: jos et kerro niin mää nauran!
d:haha en kerro!
c:*nauraa tyhmästi*
c:thihihi kerro *nauraa vielä tyhmemmin*
d: en ker-.
d.höh ny en ainaka kerro : <
c: no okei mää lopetan..*naur*
c: :P

d: kyl mää Miyavia panisin..ei se ny niin kauhee oo
c: <3__<3 miks sää sit aina mollaat sitä? nyt on kyl kirjat sekasi!
d:noku emmää tahallani..kyl mää kestän tätä jrocki juttua ainaku ajellaan mut en sit enää kotona
c: : 33..kyl määki miyavia panisin XDD

ei vittu! oli kyl sellasia juttuja että ei tiä kukaa XD

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 23.11.2007 14:08

nauran edelleenkin niin paljon! mut mahalihakset kipeenä niin ei pysty!

VITSIT!! LMAOOO! Sugeeee XDPerjantai 23.11.2007 00:16
nauroin niin paljon että pää lähti irti :''''''DD
I'll seduce....

I'll seduce you in a trance

I'll seduce you in a trance

oh yeah

If I take you from behind
Push myself into your mind
When you least expect it
Will you try and reject it
If I'm in charge and I treat you like a child
Will you let yourself go wild
Let my mouth go where it wants to

Give it up, do as I say
Give it up and let me have my way
I'll give you love, I'll hit you like a truck
I'll give you love, I'll teach you how to ...

I'd like to put you in a trance, all over
Erotic, erotic, put your hands all over my body (repeat twice)
Erotic, erotic

Once you put your hand in the flame
You can never be the same
There's a certain satisfaction
In a little bit of pain
I can see you understand
I can tell that you're the same
If you're afraid, well rise above
I only hurt the ones I love

Give it up, do as I say
Give it up and let me have my way
I'll give you love, I'll hit you like a truck
I'll give you love, I'll teach you how to ...

(Suck, caress, suck, swallow)

Erotic, erotic, put your hands all over my body (repeat several times)
Erotic, erotic

Erotica, put your hands
I'd like to put you in a trance
Erotica, romance
Put your hands all over my body

I don't think you know what pain is
I don't think you've gone that way
I could bring you so much pleasure
I'll come to you when you say
Give it up, do as I say
Give it up and let me have my way
I'll give you love, I'll hit you like a truck
I'll give you love, I'll teach you how to ...
I'm not gonna hurt you
I'm not gonna hurt you, just close your eyes

Erotic, erotic Put your hands all over my body (repeat several times)
All over me, all over me

Erotica, [give it up, give it up] romance
I'd like to put you in a trance
Erotica, [give it up, give it up] romance
I like to do a different kind of
Erotica, [give it up, give it up] romance
I'd like to put you in a trance
Erotica, romance
Put your hands all over my body

Only the one that hurts you can make you feel better
Only the one that inflicts pain can take it away

Eroti - ca

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.11.2007 21:33


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.11.2007 16:24

teki kauheesti mieli kattoo oresama <3
katoin sen äsken ja nyt meen lukeee!

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.11.2007 14:37

viitu menee hermooo..en jaksaa enäääää
koulu on niin perseeestä!
vittu eka me kulutetaan siihen puolet elämästä ja sit vittu kuollaan!!

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.11.2007 09:23

tuomiooo!! mantsan koeee!!