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Dante on niin GAY!!!!!!Tiistai 11.08.2009 15:23

harjotellaa valjais menoa ja sil on punaset valjaat XD se on mun pikku Gay Dog <sydän>

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.08.2009 01:19

You could've been the real one
You could've been the one enough for me
You could've been the free one
(the broken down and sick one)
Remnant of a vacant life

You come around when you find me faithless
You come around when you find me faceless
Fuck me like you hate me
(dig it up, tear it down)
Dig it up and whore me out
Fuck me like you hate me
(dig it up and tear it down)
I love the sound when you come undone

You could've been the next one
(God only knows)
You could've been the one to comprehend me
You could've been the only one
(the broken down and sick one)
You could've been the one who i lie with

You come around when you finally face this
You come around when you find me faceless
Fuck me like you hate me
(dig it up, tear it down)
Dig it up and whore me out
Fuck me like you hate me
(dig it up and tear it down)
Don't make a sound 'til I come undone

You'll never break me
You'll never break me
You'll never break me

You could've been the real one
You could've been the last one i'd lie with
You could've been the owned one
I should've been the one who died

You come around when you finally face this
You come around when you find me faceless
Fuck me like you hate me
(dig it up, tear it down)
Dig it up and whore me out
Fuck me like you hate me
(dig it up, tear it down)
I love the sound when you come undone
Fuck me like you hate me
(fuck you like you hate me)
Fuck me like you hate me
(you'll never break me)
Fuck me like you hate me
(dig it up, tear it down)
You'll come around when you find me faceless

on muutes uus mese osoite.....Maanantai 10.08.2009 21:03

eilen oli tosi kivvoo :))))))Sunnuntai 09.08.2009 17:04

hmmm.....kiitus vain mein lizzun :) <3 pites taas saaha rasvaa tuohon miun tupakin reikää kaulaan :D

..."ei ei se käy kun sulla on toi hiv ja kaikki muut kupat..." vai mitn se meni nyt :D

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 08.08.2009 18:42

nyt on dante väskänä ku sai juost 2h miemalas :) jee se on rauhallinen :D

ninni soot niin best <3Keskiviikko 05.08.2009 20:44


WTF??????Tiistai 04.08.2009 19:22