


I don't care what you think as long as it's about me.

Running Out of TimeSunnuntai 01.02.2009 18:06

Just another day
And it feels like you're still running late
Cause the times are gonna change
And you're stuck in your own mentality

You can try to lead us all (try to lead us all)
But there's no one else to blame
Won't be left to clean the mess
When you're gone

(We're running out of time)

We're running out of time
And you just don't get it
Now you're watching people die
And you still don't care
We're running out of time
And you just don't get that this is how I feel
There's million things I hate about you

It's just another battle
When you exercise your authority
When the past is finally settled
Will you catch up with reality?

You've been waiting way too long
Now it's time for us to pay
And we won't be looking back
When you're gone

(We're running out of time)

We're running out of time
And you just don't get it
Now you're watching people die
And you still don't care
We're running out of time
And you just don't get that this is how I feel
There's million things I hate about you
About you (3x)

I don't wanna hear the same excuses
I don't wanna hear the same excuses
I don't wanna hear your stories

Running out of time
And you just don't get it
You're watching people die
And you still don't care
Running out of time
And you just don't get it
If everybody dies would you still don't care?

We're running out of time
And you just don't get it
You're watching people die
And you still don't care
We're running out of time
And you just don't get that this is how I feel
I don't wanna think about
This is how I feel
There's million things I hate about you
There's million things I hate about you

Destie loves Simple Plan so fuckin' much<3
From now 'til eternity<3

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