


I don't care what you think as long as it's about me.

Fly AwayLauantai 01.08.2009 23:58

I wake up in the morning
With misery in my heart
And it feels like sleeping
has only made me more tired
My head is sore
I can't remember last night
I don't know if you have
Ever known me at all

Have you ever felt like you're
losing yourself ?
Have you ever waken up to see
nothing's like it used to be ?

The time has come
The day I always knew would rise
Every beautiful thing is gone
The only thing to do is roll the dice
It's getting too dark to see
Soon you'll have to let go of me
Now, this is the death of the day
When I was meant to fly away

Have you ever looked eye to eye
Someone who's lost everything ?
Have you ever seen the innocence
in a little kid's eyes ?
A thing called happiness
Something I cannot reach
I'm not strong enough anymore
It's too painful to breath

I always felt like I
was losing myself
Every morning I woke up to see
Nothing's like it used to be

The time has come..

The times has come
The night I always knew would fall
Every reason you've loved me for is gone
So, please, just roll your dice
It's too dark, you can't see
Now you'll have to let go of me
It's here, the death of the day
I am meant to fly away

Just run away,
run away from me
Hide away,
you'll have to forget me
Let me fly away
I will never return

(c) Destie, 31.07.'09

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