
...and the day turned to nightKeskiviikko 30.05.2007 02:20

Jes! Kesän ensimmäine "aito" jätski nautittu! Liikenteeseen olis tottakai voinut lähteä aikaisemmin mutta lämmintähän siel viel oli vaikka aurinko ei enää paistanu.
Noi sandaalit vois kyl viskasta roskikseen kun sen verran sukreat ovat.. jalat sit vähän kipeenä.

Niin paljon asioita mitä kesällä haluais tehdä mutta niin vähän aikaa/rahaa :/ noh ehkä tää täst..

nyt suihkuun, nukkumaan ja ikkunat auki jos vaikka sais tätä lämpötilaa laskettua tääl..

ja rakastuin kesäiseen helsinkiin! kaunis paikka :)

A hi hiTiistai 29.05.2007 21:56

kun voi vituttaa

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 27.05.2007 05:23

I would like to call you my bitch

Jay-z - 99 problemsLauantai 26.05.2007 02:57

Pokkaa?Perjantai 25.05.2007 15:41

Before loking at the photo you must be a bit carefull since i received these warnings and was told to pass them on:

- Do not stare at the photo for too long
- Try not to look at her eyes
- if you start to feel uneasy just close the picture
- If you feel an uncontrolable desire to look at the photo please close it

Origin of the photograph:

Indonesia,a fotographer was taking photos near some catacombs where a great massacre had taken place,and took a photo of this corridor.This was what was revealed when the negatives came.


- The photographer that took this photo sent it to be studied;
- A photographer that studied the photo for too long went mad;
- A newspaper tried to publish the photo for an article but nothing came out except a corridor with a black smudge;
- Parapsicologists say it is a case of life after death photo,where we can see the still living form of a spectre or ghost.


- A lot of people say they don't see anything but an empty corridor
- Others say that they see a lot of figures (some even of people long dead)
- Some say they see the figure,waving to them as if saying goodbye
- Others even say the figure is caling them,to aproach...

In conclusion no one knows for sure the exact origin of the photo but ever since the newspaper incident this photo has gained a lot of divulgation over the internet and parapsicologists advert that the energy in this photo may also the contain the energy of the girl,which may result in certain phenomenons happening at the place where this photo is viewed.
That is why i put the warnings at the beggining.

Ainoa hankkia = ainoa hengenlahja!Keskiviikko 23.05.2007 14:54

Ai miten niin suomentamiseen kannattaisi panostaa enemmänkin kuin sen verran, että hurauttaa saitin sisällön jonkun suomennosmuljauttimen läpi?

sit on loistava

ja sit näin tänään julkkiksen! asikainen kävi käymässä! whoo o/ jätkä näyttää kyl silt et olis vetäny jotain pirii :D

Bits & piecesTiistai 22.05.2007 15:24

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.05.2007 02:03

You need people like me, so u can point your fingers & say thats the bad guy. So what does that make you? Good?