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- Vanhemmat »

It's still Wednesday?????Torstai 04.10.2007 02:06

God Help me!! 2 more days for the weekend to begin...WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Nothing special today except for 1 free lesson thanks to our Maltese teacher...(Maria cried buckets for him :lol:)

I'm waiting for 2morrow

There's the RMA (Russian Music Awards)and I wanna see it..I hope Serebro wins :D

Pff....YesterdaTiistai 02.10.2007 03:21

Well I forgot to do it yesterday so...

School School School...

Damn I have a crazy English Teacher...She requested 7 green Flat Files instead of A File..Better not comment..
I lost the First Lesson Which is to my greatest pleasure Physics thnks to a long assembly and about minibuses and privates...Then we had Maths....Smooth...
English Smooth too except for the file thingy..She seems nice..Let's see what happnens..
We had Computer Studies after break... The teacher talked too much...too much that half of the class wasn't even was even sleeping on the desk....I was listening at least..and these circuits and things like that seem cool...At least for now :D

We had German afterwards...OK the teacher is cool but he talk only German for lessons and when he have a problem he simplifies the German till we understand..NO ENGLISH OR MALTESE WITH HIM....And he's a Maltese Teacher too...
After the 2nd Break we had Religion...Oh my God what an annoying Teacher we have this year..I prefer the one called "Barbie" Because the way she dressed was the 1980's stuff so we gave her that nickname which suited her 101% (:(:(:
and then we ended with ICT...Began to sleep in it..but It all went good..
After school I went shopping for the school things and then did my H.W. Chatting all the time and playing on the PC...

Now I have to leave you because I am too sleepy to go on :D

Perjantai-Sunnuntai= Weekend :DLauantai 29.09.2007 00:16

weekend Finally..No more teachers grumbling and telling us what to do..No H.W (well acutally I have some German but. :)
We started Maths...*yawn* Only write write write..No choice...

Then came Geography...Damn I will hate Geography this year..A boring teacher that we she speaks or write..She just puts you to sleep (Zzzz.....)
Then We had English...Well we didn't..Just a free lesson.....

After Break came Maltese.Even thinking about it makes me laugh...
The teacher who is Mr.Barbara told us to say what youngsters do and we had to say a word that correspondes with it...The classmate who is "in love" and totally obessed with him told him...Romance..We all expected this and when she said it we burst out laughing...Her? Red as beetroot...The teacher said we were laughing cuz we were kids...Go and tell him why :D
When he said that we all increased laughing...When he said why we were laughing...nobody dared to tell him in case we had to face it up with Maria afterwards (The girl that loves him)
Between Lessons my friend Mandy went near Maria and to tease her Began... Maria and Patrick(Barbara's name) sitting in a tree...She didn't even finish the word tree that Maria didn't scream and ran after her out of the class and in the corridors HAHA...It was very funny

Then came another free lesson of English since it's a double on A Friday....with an annoying Teacher...
After Break I had 2 lessons of Chemistry Practical...Well we didn't do an expiriment for now but we laughed so much..especially to make a joke...How do you see a particle?? Well Microscope isn't powerful enough...Maybe A Telescope is :P:P:P

Well I'll end here today...Nothing Else For now..Right now I'm Chatting and listening to Nightwish, Hanna Pakarinen(<3) and Serebro :D

2day.......Perjantai 28.09.2007 00:05

*Yawn* A little tired today..School was funny and boring too
First we started with a double lesson of Practical Physics and at least there were 2 laughs there....
Then...English...Free Lesson..Anyways from the first day of school(Monday 24th) she didn't even come to school...
Then there was Maltese...One of my classmate is too obbessed in him..You could see her in the middle of a lesson..gazing at him with admiration..And I don't know what she sees into him becuase he's so damn ugly...and annoying...When he is explaining something he goes 3 steps forward and 3 steps back...Prob is..I'm in front of him exactly.. I wanted to joke with this girl who is "in love" with him and told her to change places..She only told me...That If she was in my place she would faint and We have to get her a strechter.......Just a laugh...
And of my mate..Joanne..Went to play with the Telephone and got it out of the place..Broke the pin that was hanging the Telephone on the wall...Well acutally not broke it but it got broke in the History Lesson :P
You should see the fright our sir got...HAHAHA!! We were laughing so much that the other teacher had to come and see what happened...Well Everything went fine at least..
At the Social Studies Lesson I was drowsing off...I have the same teacher I had 2 yrs ago..and He's very boring...Makes you go to sleep...I didn't want him I went very bad in S.S with him I just brought it 55 :O

Tomorrow 2 lesson Chemistry Practical to end the week with :S
- Vanhemmat »