
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

hunSunnuntai 24.02.2008 22:38

Popped our australian cherry (ouch)
Current mood: pissy

Hi yall,
bottom end kid with the four strings here.
Just wanted to say thanks to every one who came along to the show today and took part in the strange shouting bits for the album ( which is sounding wizard by the way). The show was killer and we all had a great time sweating and reeking of B.O.

Hope you guys in england havent forgot about us just yet . We miss you guys more than Tom misses the good old days of me dressing up as Jaba The Hut and him as princess Lea in the golden bikini............(sighs) ooooooohhhhh to be young.

Me and Haz Dog are back in the studio working on a song artisticly better than the mona lisa. Actualy its probably no better than a finger painting by a 3 year old.

Oh yeah harry said check out or

Nice one, take care guys and gals



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