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korkeasaariKeskiviikko 30.05.2007 23:46

siel oli siistii :) kaikil eläimil oli sulosia muksuja <3 siit on ollu nii pitkä aika ku viimeks olin siel,jotan tää tuntu niii parhaalt ;) ja apinat pani :DD ja leijjona oli söpö<333

something.Keskiviikko 30.05.2007 00:44

the world would be a lonely place
without the one who puts a smile on your face
so hold me 'til the sun burns out
i won't be lonely when i'm down

'cos i've got you
to make me feel stronger
when the nights are rough
and an hour seems much longer.

there's a thousand words that I could say
to make you come home, yeah
seems so long ago you walked away
left me alone
and i remember what you said to me
you were acting so strange, mhm
and maybe i was too blind to see
that you needed a change

was it something i said
to make you turn away?
to make you walk out and leave me cold
if i could just find a way,
to make it so that you were right here,
right now

i've been sitting here
can't get you off my mind
i've tried my best to be a man and be strong
i drove myself insane
wishing I could touch your face
But the truth remains,you're...

she's saying goodbye
and leaving tonight
she's wasted all her lonely tear drops
she's saying goodbye
and leaving tonight
she's used up all her lonely tear drops now.

i wonder what it's like to be loved by you
i wonder what it's like to be home
and i don't walk when there's a stone in my shoe
all i know is that in time,i'll be fine

i wonder what it's like to fly so high
or to breath under the sea
i wonder if someday i'll be good with goodbyes
but i'll be okay,if you come along with me

such a long long way to go
where i'm going i don't know
i'm just following the road
for a walk in the sun.

sweet like poynter 8)Tiistai 29.05.2007 00:37

da da da da da da da...
da da da da da da da...

You're sweet like chocolate boy
Sweet like chocolate
You bring me so much joy
You're sweet like chocolate boy

Finding a way in the dark
Ain't so hard when you're close to my heart
You are there when I'm feeling alone
All I need is for you to come home

You're sweet like chocolate boy
Sweet like chocolate
You bring me so much joy
You're sweet like chocolate boy

Trust is the lock, is the key
There's no doubt that your love's all for me
You are sweet on the tip of my tongue
You are warm like the rays of the sun

You're sweet like chocolate boy
Sweet like chocolate
You bring me so much joy
You're sweet like chocolate boy
You're sweet like.. da da da da da da...

Knowing you're there every day
Makes me high in my own special way
I am caught in the face of your love
Holding you is a gift from above

You're sweet like chocolate boy
Sweet like chocolate
You bring me so much joy
You're sweet like chocolate boy
You're sweet like.. da da da..

Sweet like chocolate
Sweet like chocolate boy

:)Perjantai 25.05.2007 18:44

I could talk to you for days
You make me laugh one thousand ways
And I realize (you fill me up)
Like hot water (in my tea cup)
I'm enchanted by your smile
I must admit it took a while
For me to see that (this was something)
More than (he's my friend, it's nothing)

I hope to God you feel the way I feel
'Cos this could be amazing
Something so super real

There's something about you and you don't even know it
I'm telling you now that you got me good
There's something about you and I can't help but show it
Damn right, you got me good

Now I'm not alone
With you I'm whole
I gotta let you know
You got me good

Your style, your voice, your points of view
The good, the bad and ugly too
Boy I'll take it (give it to me)
I'll be careful (give it to me)
Addiction don't come close to this
Official is what this shit is
Still I can't say it
No I can't say that I'm in love

I hope to God you feel the way I feel
'Cos this could be amazing
Something so super real

There's something about you and you don't even know it
I'm telling you now that you got me good
There's something about you and I can't help but show it
Damn right, you got me good

Now I'm not alone
With you I'm whole
I gotta let you know
You got me good

I just wanna
Be your all and all
I just wanna be the one to make you fall
I wanna take you away
I want you to be for me
I want you here with me forever
Be my holiday, yeah

Oh yeah
Let me take you away
There's something about you

There's something about you and you don't even know it
I'm telling you now that you got me good
There's something about you and I can't help but show it
Damn right you got me good

Now I'm not alone
With you I'm whole
I gotta let you know
You got me good

You got me
You got me good

bedroom talk<3Torstai 24.05.2007 18:51

I got the talk when I was younger and understood
As I recall they hadn't mentioned this at all
My heart was racing like a sprinter that tripped and fell
In love with a girl just for tonight and that's all

I've got big, big plans
And they've got to mean something more than just once
I just don't know what i want

I'm gonna tear your ass up like we just got married and you're all mine now
Tonight is the night we've been waiting for all our lives
Or maybe for just tonight

I got the call when I was older yeah and i understood
If it happens then it happens and that's all
My arm's the hose and you're the fire out of control
And I've got to put you out before there's nothing left at all

I've got big, big plans
And they've got to mean something more than just once
I just don't know, I don't know, don't know, I don't
Don't know, I don't know, I just don't know what I want

I'm gonna tear your ass up like we just got married and you're all mine now
Tonight is the night we've been waiting for all our lives
Or maybe for just mine
So get your ass up cause you're in no hurry like i am now
I'm getting older and older all of the time
Or maybe for just tonight

And the next part is the hardest
To admit and explain but I've got to get it right
She said I'll chew you up and spit you out like all them
I'm gonna put you right back in my mouth you're gonna stay like that for now
I will always love you.

I said I tore your ass up like we just got married and you're all mine now
Cause tonight is the night we've been waiting for all our lives
Or maybe it's just
you gotta get your ass up cause you're in no hurry like i am now
I'm getting older and older all of the time
let's go one more time.

I'm gonna tear your ass up like we just got married and you're all mine now
tonight is the night we've been waiting for all our lives
or maybe it's just mine
yeah, yeah, yeah

you gotta fight for your rightTorstai 24.05.2007 18:41

Kick It!

You wake up late for school man you don't wanna go,
You ask your mom please but she still says NO!
You miss two classes and no homework
but your teacher preaches class like your some kind of jerk

You gotta fight, for your right,
to paaaaaaaaaarty

Your pops caught you smokin man he said "NO WAY!"
That hypocrite smokes two packs a day!
Man living at home is such a drag
now your mom threw away your best porno mag,(Busted)

You gotta fight, for your right,
to paaaaaaaaaarty

You gotta fight

Get outta this house if thats the clothes you're gonna wear
I'll kick you outta my home if you dont CUT THAT HAIR!!
Your mom busted in and said WHAT'S THAT NOISE!?!?
Aww, mom you're just jealous its the BEASTIE BOYS!!!

You gotta fight, for your right,
to paaaaaaaaaarty

You gotta fight, for your right,
to paaaaaaaaaarty



Dougie :)Tiistai 08.05.2007 23:21

What's it like being back on tour?
It's awesome. (He then complains there's no milk. Then finds some powdered milk).
Why did you decide to play at smaller venues like the Reading Hexagon?
As it's called The Up Close and Personal Tour it wouldn't have made sense to do it in an arena. And we wanted to see boobs up close.
But aren't most of your fans 15 and under?
No, they're not, they're usually older - sometimes we have 35-year-olds there.
What's it like being the baby of the group?
It's ok.
Do you get treated any different?
Not really...a little different. When I was 15 maybe I was.
Have you ever been to Maidenhead and, if so, what did you do there?
Yes, I do remember the name. I can't remember what I did.
Why did you support Comic Relief recently?
We'd do anything for Comic Relief. We got involved two years ago and after that it's hard not to do anything - cause we've been to Uganda. It's something else.
What's your favourite McFly song?
I don't know - it depends if I'm listening to it or playing. I like playing Too Close For Comfort. I like listening to Little Joanna - I like all the little key changes in it and me and Tom spent absolutely ages on the lyrics.
What can people expect from your live shows?
The Up Close and Personal tours are a little different to arenas - it's just us four on stage.
How often do you argue with the other band members and what about?
Fifa on the Xbox. We argue a lot about that because me and Danny kick ass at it and the others suck at it.
Which of you was most embarrassed about appearing naked in your Please, Please, Please video and at the live performance of it?
I don't think any of us were. It was funny. I think Harry was at the show - he just felt a bit silly 'cause he was left on his own.
You've worked with Charlotte Church and Lindsay Lohan. Who do you fancy more?
I don't know. I'd have to get the bra sizes.
What was it like filming Just My Luck with Lindsay?
It was fun - she's a nice girl.
Is she as thin in real life as she looks in the photos now?
It was a while ago (2 years) and it was after that that she started looking thinner.
What's your favourite song out at the moment?
Spin by Taking Back Sunday. It's just a mental song.
What do you do to relieve the boredom on tour?
Come to the front (of the bus) and watch scenery, watch movies, play Xbox and talk.
Will you be making pop music forever?
Yes - the difference between us and others is we're in control of the music - as long as we're writing songs and they're selling we'll be around.
If you weren't in McFly what would you be doing? I'd be a gynaecologist. It's a very sophisticated profession.
What's the weirdest thing a fan's ever done for you?
Japanese fans give really good presents - they gave me an R2-D2 phone once.
What's the most expensive thing you've bought since being in the band?
I've bought a house and a car. It's a Honda Ute.
What do you put your success down to?
I put it down to Harry's beard. That's the reason we're successful.

x))Sunnuntai 06.05.2007 22:51

Mononukleoosin aiheuttama nielutulehdus
Mononukleoosin aiheuttama nielutulehdus Mononukleoosi (eli "pusutauti" tai rauhaskuume) on "Ebstein-Barr"-viruksen aiheuttama tauti, jonka oireita nuorilla ja nuorilla aikuisilla ovat kuume, nielutulehdus, imusolmukkeiden ja pernan suureneminen sekä harvemmin maksatulehdus tai muu vakava tulehdustilanne. Lapsuusiässä suuri osa lapsista "sairastaa" mononukleoosin täysin oireettomana (eli saavat virustartunnan ilman mitään oireita) tai selvästi nuoria lieväoireisemmin. Kerran sairastettu - tai kerran ilman sairautta "saatu" virustartunta voi oireilla uudelleen tai virusta voi vain erittyä sylkeen täysin oireettomasti. Nuori aikuinen saakin mononukleoosin tyypillisimmin sylkikontaktista (siitä nimitys "pusutauti") henkilöltä, joka on joskus ko viruksen sairastanut/saanut voi sitä sitten tartuttaa ollen itse täysin oireeton. Aikuisista noin 70%:lla on veressään merkkejä siitä, että he ovat mononukleoosiviruksen saaneet, mutta vain pieni osa tietää koska sairastaneensa oireista mononukleoosia. Mononukleoosin voi alkuvaiheessa helposti sotkea angiinaan - nielu on turvonnut ja usein peitteinen. Mononukleoosi voidaan tunnistaa virustestillä verinäytteestä ja lisäksi verenkuvaan tulee sille tyypillisiä muutoksia, jotka korjaantuvat oireiden poistuessa. Mononukleoosi oireilee tyypillisesti pitkään - joskus viikkojakin - eikä sille ole olemassa spesifistä lääkehoitoa.

mummi sano et mul on toi ja käski mennä kysyy onks se poikaki kipee :DDD

kelatkaa,eiks kuulosta ihanalt?Lauantai 05.05.2007 05:26

i'm starting to fall in love
it's getting too much
not often that i slip up
it's just my luck

aaww,odotan kesäst aurinkonlaskuu.
kaikkii niit hetkii joit kesäl tulee vietettyy rakkaitten ihmisten kaa.
kesäromanssii ? ;>

Well youÂ’d better get home
‘Cause your Daddy’s awake
Said he saw you last night
Making out by the lake
With a boy that he hates,
DoesnÂ’t look at me the same way that you do.

Said I look pretty cute but
I donÂ’t got the grades
Seen the star on my foot
And the way I behave
And weÂ’re better off when DaddyÂ’s out of town.

sitte välil kesäst sadepäivää.
tai sitä ku voi mennä luukkii tms ottaa aurinkoo ja säätää ihan omii juttuja.
tai sitä ku saa herätä joka aamu siihen ku aurinko paistaa silmii.
sitä ku löytää kesän aikan uusii juttui mist tykkää,bändei,leffoi,ruokii,tms.

Please, please, please
C-c-c-come home with me now
M-m-m-must be a dreamer
I wanna get with you
Please, please, Lindsay please

sitä ku voi dataa yöt ja nukkuu myöhää ja sit soitella vähä porukkaa kasaa ja lähtee ihan randomisti johonki päi kävelee.
käydä mannis ostamas millon mitäki.
syödä mansikoita.

käydä yöl ulkon huoltoasemal ostamas jotai.
katella tähtii ja kelata asiat maast taivaasee,ja kaikki yhes yös.
soitella kavereille kesken yöt ku tajuu just jonku jutun.

So don't wish upon a star
'Cos a star can only get you so far
And it doesn't matter who you are
'Cos the sky looks better from the ground anyway
You never know what you'll got
And even if you know it don't mean it's gonna stay
Tomorrow is another day
You only live once and i'm livin' for today.

nauraa tyhmille jutuille,joit kukaa ei tajuu.
syödä aamupalaa ulkona auringos.
kävellä asfaltil paljain jaloin.

People marching to the drums,
Everybodys having fun to the sound of love.
Ugly is the world we're on,
If I'm right then prove me wrong,
I'm stunned to find a place we belong.