


A rabbit hearted girl, frozen in the headlights

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For my loneliness I payLauantai 20.09.2008 02:54

You keep me company when I get lonely
I have a reason to wake up in the morning
In my friends' eyes I begin to look different
In the sun I'm the center of attention

Pay pay pay
For my vanity I
Pay pay pay
For my loneliness I
Pay pay pay
For the trust I betrayed
Pay pay

Blue pill - Morning
White pill - Lady luck is smiling
Green pill - Evening
Red pill - I'm already dreaming

Golden shoes and a pretty little red dress
I'm dancing with the loved ones of the past days
In your presence I wanna do my best
For a while I feel that I still count for something

Pay pay pay
With my sanity I
Pay pay pay
With my dignity I
Pay pay pay
For the love that I crave
Pay pay

Blue pill - Morning
White pill - Lady luck is smiling
Green pill - Evening
Red pill - I'm already dreaming

Pay pay
Pay pay
Pay pay
With my dignity I
Pay pay pay
For the love that I crave
Pay pay
On my lips I've held the taste of your name

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