


A rabbit hearted girl, frozen in the headlights

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Okei, nauroin liian pitkäänMaanantai 05.12.2011 02:41



Peeäs. Se on vieläkin hauskaa.

Se tunne kun...Lauantai 03.12.2011 12:34

"you can cut my skin off and and pour lemon juice on my wounds while you make me eat my own arm then set me on fire and it wouldn’t hurt as much as watching that episode of supernatural."

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Careless realism costs soulsKeskiviikko 30.11.2011 18:55

Paper is dead without words
Ink idle without a poem
All the world dead without stories
Without love and disarming beauty

When you're too in love to let it goTiistai 29.11.2011 15:44

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

<3Maanantai 28.11.2011 19:36


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And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"

It snows over my smile todaySunnuntai 20.11.2011 01:55

It's almost as if the sky
Fell on my shoulders
It's funny cause in my mind
I didn't see it coming,
I didn't see it coming,
I didn't see it coming, from you
Now she's gone, It snows
over my smile today
Now she's gone, and I know
she is miles away
Now she's gone in a sad way
It's a sad, sad day

You don't know how lovely you areTorstai 17.11.2011 22:04

Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
Tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
...Tämä tapahtui.