


nörttäilee koulussa!

Ensimmainen ilman korjauksia.Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 17:05

Tyon tulokset.Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 17:05

I just took a look at the front page you are designingÂ… *_* beautifulÂ…

Just one thing, take away the news at the bottom and the menu in the top, and put in the choise for the language.

You can use flags o text to indicate the 2 languages italiano / English

The front page is just the “enter” of the site, no menu is needed.

You can also use different position for contents than in the internal pages.

oon iha WOUW!Tiistai 28.04.2009 20:05



This is what we want from you!!

To stop and think about the job youÂ’re gonna do!


1: the ad photo logo must remains the same \\Saturn\development\adphoto\2009\stage\marchio1.jpg in this case the logo is black and white, but you can use it in negative too

2: you can use the color you want for the site, but keep in mind that the site must be very fashion and stylish, so sonÂ’t exaggerate with colors. here you can take inspiration.

3: the fontÂ… if the site is in html you can use only system default fonts (I think arial is the nicest) in 12 pt (rememember t use a 72dpi resolution); for titles or for menu button (if you want) you can use different font, because for those element we can use a jog during the making of the site.

4: you can do sketches in photoshop or in paperÂ… as you feel better! Do as many sketches as you want. We can then discuss on those and understand which one is the better.

5: IÂ’ll check all your layout, and give you as many suggestions as I can.

IÂ’m sure now youÂ’ll gonna do a beautiful job!!!!

Ja sitten ku se katto mita olen tehny niin se pyysi nuo muutki kattoo ja puhu tuossa italiaksi kaikkea "perfecto..." ja nain ja sitten ennenku nuo lahti tauolle niin Aleksandra tulee mulle "Jenna, very nice job!" ja oli ihan hymy perseessa! :D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 27.04.2009 20:44

Viela on kesaa jaljella, viela tulee kauniita paivia <3
Viela voit loytaa ystavan, viela tilaisuuden saat <3

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 24.04.2009 19:55

Nyt alkaa nayttaa jo paremmalta.
Kylla ma selvian.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 24.04.2009 17:09

this is a 2 language site, English and Italian.

This is a very old site, a photographer site.

As you can see the pics are small, and is not good for a site of this kind!

If you search in the web for photographer

Website, you can see they put bigger pictures.

As usual, BEFORE making photoshop layout, follow these steps:

1. Analize the site (section, layout, imagesÂ…)

2. Understand WHY this layout is no more suitable for a photographer site

3. Search for other beautiful photographer website (I WANT a list of links you took a look to)

4. Follow the lessons you learned reading the pages I gave you to make a new layout.

5. You have to design the

- FRONT (a page with the logo, address information, contacts and credits, and choice of the languages like this this is only an example)

- HOME PAGE (the English one so is more simple for you)

- AN INTERNAL PAGE with a gallery example (and how do you think to open the full size image)

BE CREATIVE, use internet ONLY to make research for this work.

Remember you are in a work place so chat as less you can, if we see you chat too much weÂ’ll be obliged to detach your internet connection.

After making your layout (take ALL the time you need, make several proposal if you want) WRITE a presentation text about EVERY layout you make.

Specifying WHY you choose the colors, the dimensionsÂ…. And other things.

vaihan alaaTorstai 23.04.2009 21:20

Ihan oikeasti tapan jonku.
Taino tuon tyonantajan.
Jos katse voisi tappaa se olis jo kuollu.

Olen tehny turhaa 3viikkoa samoja nettisivuja
Ja ihan sen ohjeiden mukaan.
Voiko yksvarinen tausta jossa on kuvioita nii olla vanhanaikanen?
Mita vittua ma taala toisa tehen enaa ku mulla ei ole mtn tekemista.
En ma tullu tanne lukemaan mistaa nettisivujen suunnittelusta.
Ja jos olen tehny niinku tuo on sanonu niin miten ne vielaki
voi olla vaarin?
Tuon mieli muuttuu tuulen mukana. Ja se ei itekkaa tiia mita se haluaa.
Olen saatana teheny kolme erilaista sivustoa ja mikaan ei ole hyva.
Ensimmainen oli vaaran varinen.
Toinen oli vaaran kokonen (olin tehny sen mukaan mita se oli sanonu),
ja ei ollut selkea.
Kolmas oli tylsa vaikka olikin selkea ja tausta oli vanhanaikanen ?
(olin tehnyt niinkuin se oli sanonu etta laittaa ne sinne ja nama tanne)

Ei saatana.
Ja mun pitas itelle suunnitella nettisivut ?
Jos tehen ne niin jos se sitten tulee sanomaan jotain etta
ei oo selkea navigointi nii tyonnan taman nayton sille perseeseen
ja sanon etta tama on suomalaista navigointia saatana.
Ja sanon hyvat elaman jatkot tuolle.

Sitten ku Annika seuraavan kerran pistaa mulle sahkopostia etta miten
menee niin voi etta sita tekstia tulee. Ja varmaan muuten sanon sille
etta onko tama nyt oikein etta tulen Italiaan vittu opettelemaan
miten tehen selkeat ja plaaplaaplaa nettisivut?
Meilla ei ole edes viela ollu verkkotuottamista kunnola ja opiskelen sen jo
nyt taalla, tyyliin. Voi etta ma olen onnellinen ku paasen Suomeen.
Ja takaisin kouluun! En ikina ikina enaa tee naita hommia!
Ja jos tehen niin olen seonnut lopullisesti ja vetany muutaki ku pulkkaa.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.04.2009 19:04

They talk shit about me!

:DDTorstai 23.04.2009 19:00


I took a look at the new layout you are working on.
More clear now.. but there are some tips you have to consider..

1- Where is the footer?

2- In the right column: why the text is so near to the column border?

3- Why are you making a 867px width layout? vastaan: mit vit?

4- Did you try to translate the italian text to understand what says? Google is a perfect tool, for example I translate text from Japanese vastaan: joo oon

5- Please after finishing your design, write a text to explain your choices in English of course, as you are presenting the site to the final customer. vastaan: joo joo.

please keep studying.. making a good layout is not that simple.

You have to consider several things you are not thinking of.

And once againÂ… chat less please.


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.04.2009 18:56


I took a look at the new layout you are working on.
More clear now.. but there are some tips you have to consider..

1- Where is the footer?

2- In the right column: why the text is so near to the column border?

3- Why are you making a 867px width layout? vastaan: mit vit?

4- Did you try to translate the italian text to understand what says? Google is a perfect tool, for example I translate text from Japanese vastaan: joo oon

5- Please after finishing your design, write a text to explain your choices in English of course, as you are presenting the site to the final customer. vastaan: joo joo.