


Half of smokers die coz of tobacco, but life takes everyone

Prisoners being interrogated at Guantánamo have been:

• held in solitary confinement for periods exceeding a year;
• deprived of sleep for days and weeks and, in at least one case, months;
• exposed to prolonged temperature extremes;
• beaten;
• threatened with transfer to a foreign country, for torture;
• tortured in foreign countries or at U.S. military bases abroad before transfer to Guantánamo;
• sexually harassed and raped or threatened with rape;
• deprived of medical treatment for serious conditions, or allowed treatment only on the condition that they “cooperate” with interrogators; and
• routinely “short-shackled” (wrists and ankles bound together and to the floor) for hours and even days during interrogations.

These aggressive interrogation techniques, when coupled with the stress of indefinite, arbitrary detention, have caused the prisoners tremendous psychological and physical injury. At least one prisoner nearly died during an interrogationÂ….

Poljetaan nyt ne ihmisoikeudet kunnolla, että varmasti riittää syytä vihata.
Testataan viiskytluvun oppeja, niin kohta saadaan vihaamaan koko vitun maailma.

Pitäisi kokeilla, vuorokausi tai pari ihan vaan sidottuna, huputettuna, tönittävänä, alistettavana. Mutta pelkkä henkilökohtainen testikään ei anna täyttä kuvaa, siitä puuttuu aina epätietoisuus pois pääsemisestä.

- Piski

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