Ensin Israel syytti Irania, nyt Blair osoittaa sormella Syyriaa ja Irania. Tervetuloa kolmas maailmansota.
"Mr Blair named Damascus and Tehran as major backers of Hizbollah and suggested that Iran had supplied weapons forattacks on Israel and insurgent attacks on UK troops in Basra. No 10 said weaponry fired at Israel had been assessed as coming from the same source."
- Mistä lähtien hallitukset ovat voineet tehdä syytöksiä ilman todisteiden esittämistä (retorinen kysymys, vastaus on 9/11)
"Mrs Beckett also accused Iran and Syria of involvement. Asked if she believed strings were being pulled by the two, she said: "I think there is a very real anxiety about that. Hizbollah want only to pour petrol on the bonfire. It is very clear their intervention was intended to create an infinitely worse situation of the kind we have now. One can only ask oneself, whose interests are served by that? It is not the interests of the people of Lebanon."
- Jos Israel ei olisi ruvennut laajamittaiseen sotaan, pyrkimys Libanonilaisten vankien vapauttamisesta olisi tietenkin palvellut Libanonilaisia. Tällä hetkellä tilanne palvelee Israelia ja jenkkilää.
"Mr Blair linked the Hizbollah attacks on Israel with the insurgency in Iraq and the wider problem of extremism in the Middle East."
- Eli edelleen yhdistetään vapaustaistelijat terrorismiin.
"Asked what evidence the Government had to link the conflict with Tehran and Damascus, he said: "It's based on experience of what Iran and Syria have been up to in the past."
- Eli todisteita ei ole. Vain tuo "kokemuksen ääni".
- Piski