oho oho tajusi just et mari on ihaana <3 ja et marttta täti on ;);),ii uuu mou kaikki ps. wiknma kirjotti , ja muistkaa mari onkvaa
tutustutiukaaa `märii galleriast ja mari ahola fbsst oikeseti iha hjieno mies o . ps. heitin just ikkunaa lotan jonku edsineeja rikoin niide peilin moi oon separi_wilma_
TEE TÄMÄ, tai kesälomasi menee pilalle.
♔ oletko ihastunut ? - juu
♔ entäpä rakastunut ? - niii kai (: ♥
♔ seurusteletko ? - jjuu
♔ miksi ? - koska aw
♔ ihastuksesi alkukirjain ? - A
♔ voisitko elää ilman rakkautta ? - en
✔ välitätkö ystävistäsi ? - joo
✔ onko sinulla paljon ystäviä ? - juu
✔ entäpä parasta kaveria ? - on ♥
✔ luokitteletko kaverisi jotenkin, miten ? - en mä sillee
✔ vietätkö paljon aikaa kavereidesi kanssa ? - joo
✔ onko sinun helppo saada uusia kavereita ? - ei oikee :s
♣ mikä on lempivärisi ? - ruskee , mintun vihree
♣ minkälainen puhelin sinulla on ? - nokia n97
♣ pidätkö koulun käynnistä ? - juu
♣ kiroiletko ? - joo :s
♣ oletko kiltti vai kovis ? - XXD kiltti
♫ mistä musiikista pidät ? - lähes kaikest (:
♫ kuunteletko paljon musiikkia ? - juu
♫ mikä biisi soi nyt ? - juha tapio - kaksi puuta
♫ käytkö keikoilla ? - juu
♫ lempibändi / -artisti ? - avril lavigne , cheek ... monta
♫ laulatko paljon ? - juu (:
mulle soitettii äske että mee keittiöö ,
sitte mulle soitettii uudestaa että tuu sun ikkunaan ,
katon ni siellä on yks maailman sulosin ihminen
pitämässä lappua (parin muun ihmisen kanssa ) ♥ :
Day 01 - Your favorite picture of Justin Bieber
Day 02 - Yor favorite Justin Bieber video Day 03 - Your least favorite Justin Bieber video
Day 04 - Your favorite Justin Bieber song
Day 05 - Your favorite Justin Bieber GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Justin Bieber quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Justin Bieber outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Justin Bieber
Day 09 - A video of Justin Bieber. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The My World 2.0 and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The My worlds acoustic and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Justin and why
Day 13 - A Justin Bieber song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Justin Bieber if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Justin Bieber if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Justin Bieber
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Justin Bieber
Day 18 - A Justin Bieber GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Justin Bieber song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Justin Bieber
Day 21 - Your least favourite Justin Bieber song
Day 22 - The last Justin Bieber song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Justin Bieber
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Justin Bieber should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Justin Bieber
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Justin Bieber
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Justin Bieber
Day 28 - A picture that shows Justin BieberÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A picture of Justin Bieber that makes you laugh
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Justin Bieber
ajattelin kertoa kaikille että olen oikeasti ihan kiva kannattaa tutustua (= en ole vessassa ja kirjoitan ihan itse tätä' merkintää (:
kiitos ja kuittaus. ps. katttokkaa `mÄrii täält ;))) lol
Day 02 - Yor favorite Justin Bieber video
Day 03 - Your least favorite Justin Bieber video
Day 04 - Your favorite Justin Bieber song
Day 05 - Your favorite Justin Bieber GIF
Day 06 - Your favorite Justin Bieber quote
Day 07 - Your favorite Justin Bieber outfit
Day 08 - A rumor you believed about Justin Bieber
Day 09 - A video of Justin Bieber. Any kind of Video.
Day 10 - A song from The My World 2.0 and why you decided this one.
Day 11 - A song from The My worlds acoustic and why you decided this one
Day 12 - The song that got you lovin Justin and why
Day 13 - A Justin Bieber song you could never get tired of and why
Day 14 - A letter youÂ’d write to Justin Bieber if she could read it
Day 15 - A song that you can relate to by Justin Bieber if not, a video you could never get tired of seeing.
Day 16 - Something you absolutely love about Justin Bieber
Day 17 - Your favourite tumblr dedicated to Justin Bieber
Day 18 - A Justin Bieber GIF that makes you laugh all the time
Day 19 - The very first Justin Bieber song you heard
Day 20 - A song from an artist who should work with Justin Bieber
Day 21 - Your least favourite Justin Bieber song
Day 22 - The last Justin Bieber song you listened to
Day 23 - A picture of Justin Bieber
Day 24 - A song from an Artist Justin Bieber should never work with
Day 25 - Something that you own that reminds you of Justin Bieber
Day 26 - A picture or song that shows perfectly why you love Justin Bieber
Day 27 - A picture or song that would have made you dislike Justin Bieber
Day 28 - A picture that shows Justin BieberÂ’s fashion
Day 29 - A picture of Justin Bieber that makes you laugh
Day 30 - Write a paragraph about the things you love about Justin Bieber