
1.2.3... TADA. my month in a nut shell!Tiistai 29.07.2008 15:35

ok. huge like things been happening. sorry i have not been on the net so much... where i am staying has no internet and i have not been home much.
so here is what i have to say and now know thanks to mira and minja ringing me at 1:30am :D

1. cosplay is love! we didn't win, but lots of people loved our cos, and i came second in Quiz night out of like 100 peoples. our team wom cosplay chess which is so fucking funny (u play with people )

2. Adelaide shopping rules. i think its probally better then helsinki maybe. i brought my Zu Abyss shoes.. ohhhh Latex. and i got lotta clothes and a hair cut and my nails done and a massage and ate Sushi.... all while wearing ugg boots cause we got off the bus and went shopping. It took 5 hours bus ride to Adealide and we got up at 5 am to catch the 6am bus.... DX. but still oh well.

3. MIRA, she got engaged... well.... i never saw that one comming, even we amazing Godesses can exspect that. but you go girl, if your happy so am i.

4. from what minja told me.... Mert is growing carpet on his face.... try as i might i just ca not piture it and every tim i do... he seems to look like Daniel...

5. lotta people just dieing at the momnet... my step fathers father died of cancer monday... its really sad cause he was not that old. i have to go to his funneral Thursday.

6. WE gotta SNAKE! her name is Scully and she is just tooo Coool! she is really tame and like to sleep on my shoulder. i luv her X3

7. i brought my first copics at AVcon....12 differnt colours cause i didnt wanna spend too much. i tried them... i suck. they had sold out of blenders so i have to try and find one.

8. Every one wants a bit of Taryn lately i havent been able to spend oo seconds alone! every one is ringing me and inviting me places. Charlene must have spent like... 200$ ringing me all the time, and now she is driving me to Whyalla and paying 100$ for an all u can drink Alcohol ticket to a club and... man...

9. yep... its offical... i'm fat. i was trying to buy some new clothes today and while they all fit... i look and feel like a whale.. i better not lay on the beach. P.E.T.A might throw me in the water. mheee i dont know.... i think problem is i lost all my muscel tone and now i have put on more weight bcause i cant go to gym too often cause of work and people wanting to kill me if i walk at night.

10. 33 days to go... thats like.... i have... ONE MONTH! and i'm back home! and i have 1,959.56 Euro which is like...3,222.16 $ which means if i put in.. hmmm... one pay. i will have 4000$ which is like... ehhh...(Taryns thinking sound inserted here) 2,432 Euro... i think. i shall.... get my visa with it and... a BED a huge bed, so i can fit you all in it cause lets face it, i know, you know... we all know... your all gonna end up in my bed. Oh yeah and of cause so i can Party hard for Mert, Mira, Tika and Cappu's birthdays XD!!!

mehmeowSunnuntai 20.07.2008 11:55

i feel kinda lonely...
although i had alotta fun last night, with Jack and Steph who came to my place and we drank and had like heaps of fun. i still feel lonely.
i have been thinking lately... which is never a good thing for me i hate being alone with my thoughts because i always over think about things.
every one here keeps pressing em to stay in Australia... even more now, and it makes me so sad because people dont understand still.
Tanya brought up a comment the other day asking me "what if they have changed and your not friends any more when you go back" i hope that doesnt happen..Its probally a good thing that i brought a retun ticket as well just in case i decided no to live in finland and come back to Australia.. but eh i dont know.
i guess i'm a little angry that i just found out that Kendell doesnt like me. jack, who is her brother told me she didnt like me. i asked why and he said she just thinks i'm really different and a bit weird and she doesnt like it, so yeah... thats her reason for hating me. now if i wasnt white i'd call her rascist... but dam... i;'m white baby XD ((fucking mank slurry crusty toast, she's so dry... what kind of reason is that "oh i hate her, she's different" idiot))
i guess i'm kinda scared too of competeing in cosplay next week. my cos only needs like a few minor things done, like for the life of me i ca not find feathers in my town so i'll just get some in Adelaide and finish it at Loris cousins house. i'm a little worried about the skit Lori wants to do to, i mean its good its freally funny. its just that i have to teach her to dance to one part and she just cant... dance... like is in her DNA or something i guess. so yeah i hope we dont fuck. i'm not really that into competeing i find. i would be much happier just to do a good job at the cos and wear it at the cons... and not go into the comps... i dont know, the whole idea of every one leering at me judging me is off putting.
soon i will also have all the money i need for Finland... all 4000$ of it... thats about 2000e i guess... i wanna make as much as i can to go but that is the min that i will take.
i'm at an ends about where i should stay in finland, i know the first night i will stay at Miras, she is getting me for the train station, but after that i dont know, maybe stay there longer or move straight in with Tika and capu... hmmm.. i dont know, i guess i just... i guess i'm just startingt to worry and all because i want this all to work and i want there to be a cinderella ending of happyly ever after i guess.
also i might not be able to take Milo and Coco with me, which will break my heart cause they are my BABIES! and... i want them in finland with me D':

these last few weeks in Australia are going to suck... epically. cause sorry guyz... i cant ring you any more, it usualy cost me about 100$ a montnt to call, and i now need that money to get back to finland. i think i might go insane... because i have been wanting... ALOT to just ring every one, especially Mira, minja, capi and Mert. because i havent talked to them in so long and i miss them so much. i really wanna talk to capi, because since i have left, she has always gotten in contact with me and we talk for hours, its really nice. i miss just... chatting. but its so hard to just 'chat' with some of you because i dont know whats happening back in Oulu and you's dont know what happening here... so it just makes it annoying. oh well i think i might like have a herat attack when i see you guys again, because i just cant wait, to see you again. i keep having dreams of getting back to Oulu and going to your house and ... well no one being there, that or i'm invisable and you ignore me, its horrible i wake up fully freaking out.

i'm also having such a fat time, i feel like a blob. when i come back to finland i hope all my wobble just... wobbles the fuck back to Australia and leaves me alone. i think i might join Hukka if i get my visa. THERE is another thing! WTF will i do if i dont get a visa.. i dont know... i'm so scared of not seeing you guys again, your make me feel so accepted and complete, i'm only me and your the other half of me, with out you's i'm only half a person.

yay!Perjantai 18.07.2008 16:04

yay i fixed my bank details :D now i'm happy cause i have money again and no one can steal my monies! :D super happyness!
i'm so happy n_n and only 44 days to go :D
also... just asking, but does Zac look like he's doing steroids or something? i think he was hotter cuter sexyer when he was leaner... and not some kind of Hulk

D : <Torstai 17.07.2008 14:11

MY BANK CARD HAS BEEN STOLEN! and my net bank card is no where to be seen as well! i have fucking bills to pay mother fucking cunt!!!

month and a half to go!Keskiviikko 16.07.2008 17:21

i got... really excited today...
i was putting hairspray cans on the shelf at work and i thought to myself "fuck... i remeber trying to get that huge hairspray can from the city centre to Tuira..." and then i thought... fuck... i only have a month and a half to go before i come home... and then it was just some kind of happyness high from there on.
i cant exspress... how... how amazingly happy i am to be coming back to Finland. It never felt really real to me before, but now that its so... so close... i'm just buzzing.
its gotten to the point i'm not sad to leave any of my Australian friends behind, because i know their fine with out me and i'm fine with out them. i have photos of all my finish friends over my mirror at home and when i wake up and see it... i get such a happy feeling all over my body, because Finland was just... just home for me.
47 days... thats like.... wow... really wow....
thats not a long time. i wont have even been in Australia a year before ging back to finland, and i dont care. the only people i will miss will be my mum, stepdad and brother i think, that it...oh yeah and nanna welsh <3 who likes to buy my shoes XD god i love that woman X3
but yeah
its so amazing how much that place changed me, and the people (you guys all know who you are) they made me a better person. they taught me to actually like who i am, and how to have fun. They showed me what it feels like to be loved and how to love in return, and for that i will be greatful forever.
when i come HOME every day will be a party!

fashion-horse racesSunnuntai 13.07.2008 07:36

lol at the races there is a fashion comp, i have to go on the cat walk and everything. X3 it should be fun!


Ok i'm back. yeah it was ok...i dint go into the fashion comp.. because well... i missed it. i was off drinking and then tarlee was like "u know what taryn, u should have gone in that fashion comp" "i am" "no your not it just finnished" "fuck"
so yeah oh well.

oh shitLauantai 12.07.2008 18:25

i'm... Bozo the bush D:
never dye dark hair blonde
((mert remember from sex and the city... yeah... i should have paid attaention to that....))

tada!Torstai 10.07.2008 15:30

:D 53 days! yippy!
oh i'm going to the horse races... YAY... its like a huge here... its basically a huge fashion deal for girls here, and i get to go! oh i hope i win X3
i had an intresting day the other day... my mates from work came over and got trashed at my house, i wasnt as bad because what they drink is like water compared to what i was dowing in finland. But jack... bless his little heart... he comes up to me, kisses me on the cheek and goes "Taryn... i love you, but you so into that guy in finland and your leaving me so... there's no chance is there?"
i didn't know what to say ... i just kinda looked at him like he's come and slapped me or something... he laughed so i laughed and then i went away.... Dylan was there too and even he was like WTF...

i will be in Oulu at 1:00AM so come and get me then ok! i doooont really wanna be waiting in the dark in the cold for too long... i mean yeah i could always walk... but i will have like my whole life packed in that bag so.. meehhh...

DXLauantai 05.07.2008 15:16

ok... hmm
i'm house sitting, thus... unlike normal, i can be on the net every night.. cause i have none so i have to invade my house every now and then to get internetssss!!
ok.. hmm yeah...
1. my uncels dog killed the people nexts doors dog, clean SNAPPED its neck D8. needless to say my neighbours are not talking to me and glare at me...
2.the juke box spat... yes spat CDs out and i have no clue as to where i can put them... oh crap
3..... oh god... while talking to my grandmother one morning out the front i ... accidently locked myself out of my house.... i was wearing a VERY SMALL shirt and my panties... nothing else!!i'm living next to a high school! i had to break into a window that was at least a foot higher them me... and only about 85 cm high! in my panties DX god i hope no one saw, cause i had to scale the wall like some kind of lizard...
ahh and then i got INTRESTINg news from mert which makes me god.. oh god... just great.
man... the only good this so far is.. the TV is soo... sooooo big like... comes up to my shoulders and is wider them what i can stretch my arms! 8D and i have a huge bed and a pool table and ah this house is so, so cool. i have some makes coming around tomorrow we might have a drink play guitar hero and sing star and all... its really sad... i'm friends with all these 15-16 year olds now... its epically tragic...
oh.. it was so cold last night like... 5+ degrees. i was going to die and so was the dog so i let her sleep inside... i woke up she was on my bed next to my face... i screamed like a little bitch...

Hahahah... we got shoplifted today at work... no real surprise there we get shoplifted everyday... but poor little fucking cunt. i jumped over the counter and chased the bugger down. i chased him all over the parking lot and over to the main high way... now on this road its huge and has trucks on it that are longer them two busses together right. i was not going to run onto it. but he did... he ran so fast he ran right out of his shoes! he was only 11 i found out latter. anyway... i took his shoes back to the store and waited for him, he came in for his shoes and i yelled at him like mad saying i was gonna call the police and that if i ever saw him in the store i'd kill him. he was crying by the end of it. but serves him right! and Emily ended up giving him his shoes back much to my disgust, cause he still had alot of the candy that he hadnt dropped. and then he walked off call me a "white slut' and that he was gonna get me... so i stormed after him saying "i'll kill your you little fuckier dont think i wont hurt you" and i was so angry and he say me comming and shitted himself and ran like mad. too right i would have gotten him too man i was so angry. turns out he had been throwing rocks at my brother the other night while he had bene playing football. had i known that i would have been alot meaner. little bastard.
ah... after all that i was worked up for the rest of the day and when Jack and Steph asked if they could come to my place i was like... you know what... sure
but now steph has invited othersa nd i'm not sure about two of them cause i'm sorta like... ew about one of them and one of my mates will think me a bitch for having the other... ew i really dont want thomas in my house, he's so.. ew and fat and slimly and thinks he's hot and always saying like "oh you and me Taryn lets get drunk and have sex" PAH! not even in your dreams you blob!

i get my tax return in a few weeks... 940$!!! wooT more monies for finland. well i'm a gonna need it since i'm going to Adelaide this month to go to AVcon.... my first real cosplay comp.. ohhh wish me luck X3 and i need to go get more fabric fot eh other cos i'm doing ;D

blah yeah more stuffSunnuntai 29.06.2008 13:45

D: i nearlly got killed-ed to day! my grandparents are building a new house on the beach and i decided to go up and have a look, mind you its all just blue frame work with no walls. It was so windy i was standing by a hole in the floor and "whoosh!" the wind nearlly blew me off! mum had to grab me! scary scary stuff
my cousin Kirralee came to see me with her boyfriend Josh. she's only 15-16... and a complete nut job but we get along really well... her boyfriend is not all there in the head either...they have this kind of lovey dovey relationship and asume every one else must as welll and are obsessed with saying i love you... really to the point of making me uncomfortable the other day.
i hope i see her again before i leave, the last time i saw her was when my great grandmother died and i didnt even know who she was she just kind of attacked me and hugging and crying on me and i was like..."who the fuck?" oh well...
Coco channel needs to lose weight... she so fat... i can roll her along the floor... she also bit josh... on the nipple XD see thats what you get for letting her go up there you idiot.

count down: 62 days.

nothing else really important has happened... its still really.. really boring here...
oh.. wait.. Dylan comes home tonight... i dont want him home really its nice and peaceful with out him and i have as much sony time as i like with out him here... but.. grr.. oh well.