
A.N.G.E.LTorstai 06.11.2008 03:03

Just like a shadow
I'll be beside you
I'll be your comfort
I'm there to guide you home
I will provide you a place of shelter
I want a be your stone
Tell me what you wanted me to do
Protect you from the pain
I'll keep you safe from danger
You'll never hurt again

Just like the moon
I'll step aside
And let your sun shine
While I follow behind
Cause baby what ya got
You deserve all the props
With everything I'm not
and I'm so glad your mine

Disrespect my love
You're gonna have to come see me
I fight hard for my baby
He's all that I need

I'll be your angel

like totally loveTorstai 06.11.2008 02:26

i heard this song on the radio today and was like... wow... thats so beautiful, and its kinda the music i like to chill too. dont get me wrong i love Rihanna and Savage graden and all... but this song is so summer, and i come from a country of summer so i feel so peaceful when i hear it.
its just so relaxing and all about loving and... ahh
i think i'm inlove X3
its all about going with the flow and being happy and inlove and ahh. i love it

dude like wowTorstai 06.11.2008 02:17

i wanna drew like this guy! golden_free

oh oh ohKeskiviikko 05.11.2008 16:18

hahahaha i got food. one kg of rice, one kg of pasta and two cans of tomatoes all for 3,60€ yes! i get to eat for a few more weeks!!!!
i know that sounds pathetic, but i go really... REALLY excited when i brought it, like i was buying dimonds or somehting XD
it was the money i got for cashing those bottles, and it went to good use!
now i have.. ahh what... 5€ left... yay.. NOT!
i wanna shop. i wanna i wanna i wanna, i dont wnat i NEED that scarf!!!!
even if i have to seel myself for it DX
hahaha last night i was waaaaay to wake.. so i sat down and watch all of tiia's videos until 5 in the morning. Kaneli is so sweet and evil. she sleeped on me the whole time and then when i decided ok i sleep now, she kept me awake.
Really there is something wrong with tiia's other cate Kalua.. he is always being sick every where.. last night in my room and when i found it i was nearly sick... i dont think its normal for a cat to be vomiting all the time, i hope he's ok.
i am DIEING to dance and party. i have been feeling.... pensive about life and so i wanna live it. i wanna start having fun!
i had a long hard talk with some friend of mine, both Australia and Finnish. and for some reason the same answer keeps coming up for me. I should stop dating... like not have long term meaningful relationships and just have a lotta flings, that way i can use them and get rid of them before they do something stupid. and really i think that suits me better now days... but hey i'm a girl i still got needs, so i guess thats why this works so well

dates and leavings.Tiistai 04.11.2008 21:31

i leave Oulu on the 26th at 23:55
and i leave Finland on the 29th at 16:20

i'm... really misrable about leaving.
its kinda a suffercating feeling like i cant breath because i have so many fears so... yeah

heticTorstai 30.10.2008 17:31

man.... busy
HSM3 today
i have Jaana's 18th friday
minja's house warming friday
move to Maija's for the week end.

U PMS like a bitch! I should know!Keskiviikko 29.10.2008 14:22

i'm not ovely keen on Miley cyrus... at all. she's a little.. slutish for a girl her age and all. and the video clip is... well not the clip but some of the faces she makes... are odd...
but... i really enjoy this song

also.. OMG this song talks to me baby XD i know some people who are this song soooo bad!!!

AHHHHHHHHHH!Tiistai 28.10.2008 03:11

i'm stressed out :D
i have so much shit runing through my brain i think i might exsplode one huge KABOOM!
too many choices too may dramas, too many things in my head, i dont know if i'm coming or going if i'm up or down. i dont know what i want any more.... i have too many self issues, i have too many issues with people, i have to many issues with countries and politics.
and the worst thing is.... i cant talk about it with any one, because.. its too hard for people to understand, it too emotional, its too.... gah i dont know, i want so badly to just scream what i'm thinking, but i keep my mouth shut. why i dont know, i'm a loser i guess who cant exspress her emotions at people. I keep everything thats negitive bottled up, unless something triggers a release, whihc is being drunk or just exsploding! which is why i dont drink much any more because everything just exsplodes!
i wish i wasnt so... emotionally handicaped! because if i'm not showing enough emotion or reaction, i'm showing to much i cant win! And when i do try to exspress myself i freeze up and avoid it in the end, the only real way i can comunicate my true feelings is by writting them, and not even writting them to people, just letters upon letters. i think its because writting is so much less personal... and i can think about what i say, and i dont have to worry about the others reaction...

i wish everything would just stop... or slow down, so i had time to think...
everything is moving too fast, every one is moving too fast.
i want time to stop.. if only for a day...
it would be nice