
its okMaanantai 19.01.2009 11:26

ok i'm back, me and mum.. we have a kind of agreement and i'm back so dont worry too much. i'll exsplain things better. but right now i am in the company of my oldest and coolest mate Colleen, so i'll chat ya's latter when i'm not busy.
catch ya babes

havent been onMaanantai 12.01.2009 03:56

ok,. so yeah u may have noticed i have not been on line, thats because i had a fight with mum and sort of maybe might have ran away form home and have been living with my grandmother...
nothing really intresting to saym, bar i havent stopped fighting with my mother and havent really been home in 2 weeks so yeah. what ever. oh i sent some letters and cards for u giyts, mira is gonna receive thema nd she can give them to you, u know save money since i'm still out of the fucking job and all that other fucking bull shit.
its still as lonely as fuck here and i think insted of getting sad this time i'm just getting angry at everything and every one. so.. yeah.. i hate my life right now.
i'd tell you guys the intresting stuff i have been doingbut i really dont have the time as i am on a computer at the puplic libary.
bye peeps.

ohhh nice songSunnuntai 04.01.2009 15:40

mymsn friend Ethan sent me this song today cause we were talking about like good music and that i was gonna buy tickets to see lady gaga and yeah he sent me this song and its sooooo nice!
if it doent work for u fins.. as it normally doenst.. its called David Archuleta - Crush

ok....Lauantai 03.01.2009 18:34

ok went out partying again, and now were home, but charlies man is like... taken some drug and i think he might be tripped out or od-ing i dont know...

partyLauantai 03.01.2009 06:09

went out last night... got tipsy at most with cahrlie and ebony... i'll upload some pictures i think =D. it was good cause i can talk and hang with people my own age cause no one talks to me in my home town so, its was nice to come to a place where people LIKE me and wanna party with me <3

To all my finsKeskiviikko 31.12.2008 08:31

i love u... i miss u
Happy new year
see u all in 6 months!

PoisonKeskiviikko 24.12.2008 07:59

this song has been playing in my head for 2 days now, and i finialy find it. i care nothing for the band or anything, but i just love this song. the original is by Alice cooper, but i like this cover better, i can dance to this one, and ahh. i loev this song!!!!
this is how i feel about every guy i ever fancy or get a crush on.

merry ChristmasKeskiviikko 24.12.2008 02:53

its not christmas here yet but i know it is for you guys. so go have some fun and a happy new year!
i love you all more then life and i can wait to see you all again!!!!

nasty mum.. just nastyTiistai 23.12.2008 06:42

OMg my mother is.. so nasty. i had a shower today, got out started to dry myself and then noticed something on my shoulder... ONLY THE BIGGEST AMOUNT OF DARK HUMAN HAIR ALL OVER MY BACK! mum had decided to brush her hair and then get the hair out of the brush, little did she know.. or did she... it went ALL OVER THE TOWLS!
oh god i was erked!
it was like.. ew-ew-ew-ew!!!

Well to every one i wish a very merry christmas and festive sesson incause i dont see or hear from u before then.
ur so important to me, the reason i keep breathing, i think, if it wasnt for friends like you i would have done something bad to myself because u make it worth going on.
ur my sunshine on a rainny day.
merry christmas

Blerk!Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 12:07

i went to my grandmothers home on the beach and had a blast. we ate.. and ate.. and ate.. no wonder i'm getting fat. and then i drank and drank and drank... and then u know what.. i threw up for 30mins.. yeah... along time.. so.. when u think about it.. i had room for more food.. no then i passed out on the couch so yeah. Still even though that was nasty, i have never thrown up so much and oh so nasty, and my skin, i'm kinda brown now, and i have little freckles everywhere on my face shoulders and arms, their kinda cute i guess.. only... my sin is a little angry and so i have *cough* a few angry spots. BUT I"M STILL PEELING! off one arm, both my knees and now a foot... on my foot... hey in Australia we dont wear that much ok... its too hot to.
hmm yeah i caught this lizard today called a bluetongued lizard. their really agressive and when they bite u its nasty cause they dont let go and they have shap teeth, but i had to catch it because it was where all my little cousins where and the poor thing was so scared, but when i grabbed it it tried to pee on me and bite me, good thing i know how to hold them or i'd be missing a finger, even dylan didnt wanna touch it... pussy!
i think i shall ring some of u for christmas.. but i dont know what time.. or what day, because u guys celebrate christmas a day before us.. so i didnt know.. well what ever, i have until the end of the week to decide... do not exspect a long phone call.. i dont have the money people.... i'm still jobless. .. i'm so desprate, i might take a job at mc'donalds if i have to to come back to u guys <3