
EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!1Torstai 19.02.2009 11:18

so like today at work.. about lunch time i'm sitting at the check out doing nothing. Mum comes up to me and shows me something and it feels like all my birthdays came at once.
i was so excited i nearly screamed in the store and was so.. so wanting to go to lunh but then i had to wait another 2 hours to get into it.
for all the letters and everything!
it really made my day my heart was going boom boom boom all the time and i just SMILED all day.
you are so the best, be sure i will send things back to you babies!!!!
John makes a very convincing woman... and mira and tiia make hot men, i'd so bang mira if i knew there was no hotdog going on down there and tiia looked like .. ahhh... cream..
dont take this too literly people
Mert reminded me of this teenager i saw once. Colour blind and fashion retarded XP but still looked good in a weird twisted way.
OMG capi.. u were just the smex and u too Minna.
i will totally be sending a DVD back home for you all!
Me and my family watched it and they all reckon that u have really BIG accents... i didnt even notice.
also MINNA how in the world did u get some of those photos that was like a total blast from the past. Also tell Hannu thank you thank you about the book i will read it all so right now.. ohh.. i am so gonna start writting letters now.
this is the happyest i have been since coming back to Australia i asure u!


let it rockTiistai 17.02.2009 14:05

not the best Vid. but i am thrashing this song over in my room dancing like a retard XP
let it rock, by Kevin Rudolf Ft Lil Wayne.

1st Letter of your NameSunnuntai 15.02.2009 12:30

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use DIFFERENT answers. You CANNOT use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Taryn

2. A four Letter Word : Tart

3. A boy's Name : Thomas

4. A girl's Name : Tammie

5. An occupation : Teacher

6. A color : Teal

7. Something you'll wear : T-shirt

9. A food : Toast

10. Something found in the bathroom : toothpaste

11. A place : Tasmania

12. A reason for being late : Typhoon came down from the north and killed me.. but dont worry, i'm all better now

13. Something you'd shout : Tramp!

14. A movie title : Teenaged mutant ninja turtles

15. Something you drink : Tea

16. A musical group : Taking Back Sunday

17. An animal : Tiger

18. A street name : Tanner street

19. A type of car : Torana

20. The title of a song : thats not my name

yes or noSunnuntai 15.02.2009 12:13

1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No!
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and Asks!

Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the Fun. Copy and paste this into your notes , delete my answers and type in your answers. Then see what happens.

You are not allowed to explain anything unless asked..

Kissed any of your IRC friends? Yes

Been arrested? No

Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes

Slept in until 5 PM? yes

Fallen asleep at work/school? yes

Held a snake? Yes

Ran a red light? No

Been suspended from school? No

Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? No

Been fired from a job? No

Sang karaoke? Yes

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Yes

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes

Sang in the shower? Yes

Sat on a rooftop? Yes

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? yes

Broken a bone? yes

Shaved your head? No

Blacked out from drinking? yes

Played a prank on someone? yes

Felt like killing someone? Yes

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No

Been in a band? no

Shot a gun? yes

Tripped on mushrooms? No

Donated Blood? no

Eaten crocodile meat? No

Eaten cheesecake? Yes

Still love someone you shouldn't? yes

Think about the future? Yes

Believe in love? Yes

Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yes

ok yeah..Torstai 12.02.2009 11:33

ok.. so i come into work.. i'm chill i'm happy
i go about my thing ya know and i have one news-paper left to sell cause lotta people want them. and the butcher (fuck face) takes my last one with out paying. he does it all the time and i hate it. he reads it and then puts it back right. and it gets blood on it and while he's reading it i have customers wanting it so i have to tell them that he has taken it and will not return it until he had read it. which..... is wrong!
anyway.. after the 8th person asks for it i send some one to go and get it off of him. she comes back and says i can have it back when he is finished with it.
24mins latter
he finialy brings it back and then has a nice old yell at me "DONT QUESTION ME ABOUT THE NEWS PAPER AND DONT HAVE OTHER PEOPLE ASK EITHER. mind your own fucking nose!" he goes at me.. cussing infront of customers which again is wrong. and so.. i defend myself as u know i would saying well i had paying customers who want it, and if he plans on having it for that long then he should just buy it! and then he starts having a go at me how i'm not his boss and that i should do my job probally instad of laying all over the counter.
now... when u have been.. standing in the same place.. not moving more then five steps and no where to sit for 8 hours.. u get a little tired so u lean on things. i lean on the counter, i dont LAY on it! so.. well i see red and yell at him "AT LEAST I DONT STEAL THE MEAT!" because he does and he gives it to people for free and then he starts yelling at me and i him him saying i have no right and its not true and i saying its is true because i had seen it, and at least 6 other people have too!
and then he storms off like a big 3 year old!
even the customers said he had no right and that he was a stupid fuck and its not only me he is mean too, its other staff. he likes to pick on girls and call us stupid and useless. the whole store is run by girls... idiot.
and he swears at customers and is really racist against any one not white.
what a dick
i was so angry i was shaking and wanted to cut him with something
the whole store.. besides Karren, his butt licker, who is his assistant was on my side. oh and the manager jane.. who.. (u know i have nothing against gays, so yeah u now it bad when i say this) is the biggest Dyke going man.. i tell u.. she... she look a like a man! she has side burns... that look like pubic hairs! gahah
and she tells me off for yelling and then goes over to him in his room, i cant hear only see and then their al friendly friendly laughing and being the best of buddies. so i get in trouble for defending myself and he gets to have a joke with her.
Fucking cunt fucker cock dick whores!

and then i had this.. i think he may be slightly retarded.. he twitches... alot.... old black guy who comes in all the time.. and stands behind me. when i ask him what he wants he goes " *sigh* you" D8
and then i have been thinking about you all the time, i couldnt wait to see you again.
come and get me now good god!
and so i ring lori, because i havent heard from her in ages.. and all.... ALL she talks about is cosplay. i dont mind cosplay.. but not 30mins of it. she went to come of the most beautiful places in Austarlia and to some of the biggest and oldest cities. and all she did was cosplay. she didnt go shopping or look at anything she went cosplaying and that was it. i was like.. well this is boring.
and well because of all that cosplay stuff and her parents birthday.. she missed out on Charlies birthday. so i was trying to tel her about it but she wasnt intrested. and i tried to tell her about Colleen our other friend, she wasnt intrested... i tried to tell her about my stalker... not intrested and tried to tell her about the fight today... u guessed it not interested. i was going to tell her of " THE SHOES" kidnapping... but she seems to have this hate about finland... and even more so Mert... do not know why she dislikes him so much i think she is jelouas because her and me used to be best firends.. and now we're not and she blames mert... which is childish.

i brought new shoes... by FOX a moterbike racing brand. and a new head band.. after about 3 hours... this head band makes me feel like i have... head cancer of something because it hurting so bad.. but it looks so good!

i went to buy some new designer dresses from the "good shop" as i call it. only to find.. i'm fat and dont fit the dresses like i used to... D'''X. and i cant wear the really unique dresses.. only sluty boobie dresses... not intresting ones... mother fucker!

my stop eating
no.. cant.. taste so good
Must run and do work out
No... cant.. to lazy

haha i now have lady gaga too... irs so good

baaaaaahMaanantai 09.02.2009 15:23

i hearded sheep today
sheep r so.. oh so dumb
one.. shit up my leg nice and warm and all over my leg yeah...
until that i was actually having fun cause the little lambs are soooo cute X3

schoolPerjantai 06.02.2009 11:47

do u guys think it would be smart to apply for one of these? have a look and help me cause even though its MEANT TO be in english./. its not basic data&resultId=7&language=en&dataType=supplyData&searchType=supplySearch

or... basic data&resultId=6&language=en&dataType=supplyData&searchType=supplySearch

what do u think?

cause riitta has not told me any info.. and i'm starting to get worried

angryPerjantai 30.01.2009 15:50

lately i have been so violently angry about alot of things. were my life has gone in the last 4 years, every one around me and all the things that i am.
i am really starting to build up with poisonous hate towards men. fucking fucks!
in the last 4 years it has been one male or another that has fucked my life like a cheap slut. and even now they continue to annoy me. its bad enough i have this Rhys guy bothering me acting like we're gonna get married, but no, no i have some black guy chasing and stalking me at work and i have only been there 2 fucking days.
i feel so much pent up rage.
i have gone past being depressed and sad and i'm left just feeling angry. i'm desprate for some way to vent. i keep thinking about going back to boxing or martial art cause i have this desprate desire to hit things. i have nothing to relese my fustration on and it keeps building and every time something fucking fucked up happens... i builds a little more...
its so hot here and i hate the heat that makes my moody... people are being dicks to me here in Australia, i dont even know the people they are just getting in the way of my life.
And i'm so sick of missing people in finland. Its like an obsession. i cant even listen to any of Rihannas music any more i get so fustrated and depressed. its almost as bad as before, but this time i'm so angry as well.

you know who i cant wait to see again.. Asanti. i havent seen him in so long and we got along so well... i mean normally i dislike people when i first meet them, but this was instant like and i got along with him, it was nice having some one to talk to and have them understand ever word i said and not have to limit myself to smaller words... he's so fucking smart man!

i miss mira. i cant wait to see her again. every one here in australia that i'm actually talking to is dieing to meet her. every one is exsited.. but none more then me. Mira... she is more then a friend.. she is like the sister (i liked) that i never had.. she is such a higher level then a good friend or a best friend.

i miss Minja. she guided me through everything and helped me calm down, when ever she was near i always felt so at peace when she was there. she is.. my mother man... she shows me right from wrong and makes me feel safe deep down in the depths of my soul.

i miss capi and Tiia... they were the ducks nuts man. i can not count the times they were there for me... in so many ways. how they helped me through thick and thin. how we had the most fucked fucked up fun XP

Mert... mert, mert mert....
i dont have words for you. no words that i can write could exsplain what you mean to me. how do you exsplain something higher then anything any one else could ever hope to have.... how do you exsplain something that sacred?
you cant.
no one will ever find words to describe us.

in the same way.. that i love every one...
I HATE you all too for making me feel so like crap when ur not around.. but trust me.. more love then hate babies...
more Love..

OHHHH YEAH!Keskiviikko 28.01.2009 09:27

i had a great day today!
i got a job! (my old job took me back!)
the pants i brought cost 5$ less then i thought
and then i found an extra 3$ and was able to buy new shoes...
it feels pretty fucking good!

its currently 51degrees... yes.. u heard me, 51 and fuck it is hot and i'm sweating worse then i ever have even in a sauna!
ur lucky mira.. u come in the winter it might be 20 degrees n_n

just checked the weather
its currently 55degrees D:

swim swimSunnuntai 25.01.2009 11:56

me, Dylan, Tyler and joel went swimming today and we swam and swam for 4 hours and nonw i'm all dry from the pool chemicals and when i got out we looked like old ladies XP.... now i'm so fucking tired. we have also started to play wii sport... which always turns into violent abuse of each other when some one is beating some one else, especially rhys XD and then we have no become addicted to Wii Fit...
i'm so hungry and getting huge happyness about mira comming!!! the more i think about it the more i want to be home in finland, i mean.. hey... its home. but i do worry about like a job once i finish the Au pair thing so ehhhh...dylan says hi