


--->Olin ihminen, mokasin..

To/Die/For: Fall StrainsMaanantai 16.06.2008 16:02

Where were you when I needed someone
To help me ease my pain
Where were you when I needed comfort
To get me through the day

There was no one to hold my hand
When I couldn't sleep at night
No one there to understand
Too scared to sleep 'til daylight

Another night without you
Another night of fear
Another night of loneliness
Wishing you were here

Can't find the light without you
Darkness calls me near
To another sleepless night
Whishing you were here

Years we shared have lost their meaning
Wihtout you by my side
Memories of all the good times
Bring tears in my eyes

Another night without you
Another night of fear
Another night of loneliness
Wishing you were here

Can't find the light without you
Darkness calls me near
To another sleepless night
Whishing you were here

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