


--->Olin ihminen, mokasin..

Negative: In Memoriam(Immortal peace)Perjantai 18.05.2007 20:43

Like seasons change their face,
Rain like the tears
Winds got your voice
Whispering my name
Landing shadows come around
Telling me the same old story
With certain sound

IÂ’m stuck in a place
Prisoner of this room
Painful memories of me and you
I take colors of longing
And paint you on my wall
Is it too much to ask
For some golden peace
ThatÂ’s what I expect from you at least
ItÂ’s simple and understood
ThereÂ’s no way out

I wish that I would be dead
Dead like you and I
Falling like a butterfly
After one lived day
Hope you will find your peace
Immortal, eternal and real
I know I cannot be dead yet
Just canÂ’t live it again

Too much never enough
WeÂ’re stuck in time
Till death leads us away
In a moment that IÂ’m scared of the most
YouÂ’re sleeping away
Soon youÂ’ll be lost
Every breath that you take
YouÂ’ll be closer to where you belong
I never thought this could be so hard and rough
After all weÂ’ve been through
CanÂ’t get enough of this sweetest trip
You once gave me as a gift

I hope youÂ’re waiting for me somewhere out there
In a place where we can hold each other again
You went first, IÂ’ll come right after you
IÂ’m depressed, I donÂ’t care
I miss you, I hope you can hear me

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.05.2007 02:03

voi vittu suomi hävis...
niin ja suomi hävis...

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 12.05.2007 12:47

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 12.05.2007 12:20

Hähää Back in black!!!
joops, värjäsin siis hiukset taas...

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 11.05.2007 23:04

My slowing heart
by Sentenced

I gave and gave - gave all I had

I took and took - all I could grab

I had it all and I had none

Now the game is over and it's all gone

My heart is worn out to keep beating

My lungs exhausted by all this breathing

My mind's too tired to keep grieving

I was against and I was for

I wanted less and wanted more

I won I lost, I lost and won

Now it's all over and I am done

My throat is too sore for more screaming

My eyes too swollen for more weeping

My wounds are too dry for more bleeding

My blood too drained for more streaming

My heart is slowing down

Long short is life is short and long

Strong weak am I am weak and strong

My crop is ready for the Reaping

My being ready for releasing

My heart is slowing down

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.05.2007 16:03

oiiiiih happy happy joy joy....<3

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.05.2007 15:32

Mene Wikipedian nettisivuille ja etsi syntymäpäiväsi (esim. 9. tammikuuta). Etsi kolme tapahtumaa, jotka tapahtuivat kyseisenä päivänä sekä kolme syntymää, kolme kuolemaa ja kaikki juhlapäivät.


1. 1431 "Orleansin neitsyen" Jeanne d'Arcin oikeudenkäynti alkoi Rouenissa, Englannin miehityshallinnon keskuksessa
2.1905 (tuolloin käytössä olleen juliaanisen kalenterin mukaan) Venäläiset työläiset marssivat Talvipalatsiin, mikä johti tsaarin joukkojen suorittamaan verilöylyyn ("Verinen sunnuntai"), mikä puolestaan käynnisti vuoden 1905 Venäjän vallankumouksen.
3. 2004 Hanna Pakarinen voitti Suomen ensimmäisen Idols-kilpailun.

1. 1913 Richard Nixon, 37. Yhdysvaltain presidentti (1969%u20131974) (k. 1994)
2. 1915 Les Paul, yhdysvaltalainen kitaristi, keksijä ja sähkökitaran kehittäjä
3. 1944 Jimmy Page, englantilainen rock-muusikko ja kitaristi ("Led Zeppelin")

1. 1873 Napoleon III, Ranskan keisari (s. 1808)
2. 1848 Caroline Herschel, saksalaissyntyinen englantilainen tähtitieteilijä (s. 1750)
3. 1998 Kenichi Fukui, vuoden 1981 (jaetun) Nobelin kemianpalkinnon saanut japanilainen kemisti (s. 1918)

Text for my grave stone...Lauantai 05.05.2007 02:33

"Olin ihminen, mokasin..."

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.05.2007 00:17

ai vitsi, äijät oli kaivoksessa, vähäks siistii hommaa olis! :D:D:D
musta tulee isona kaivosmies...eiku siis...

My Ruin: terrorPerjantai 04.05.2007 16:34

This is what you call me...
I strike terror among men I can't be bothered with what I think I bare my cross, my soul, myself I forgive ...
but I never forget I've been put upon this earth in FEMALE form But I can't handle myself with the best of you
as well as the worst and I often have I have the right to remain silent but I choose to speak, sing scream I am
I AM THE POWER OF A WOMAN STRONG like music true like friendship but without my friends there would be no
only spoken word fucker! I am able to change so I live without regret, without remorse Only a remix I am
drunk, I am sober. Heaven doesn't want me and hells affraid I'll take over.
Don't bother trying to censor me, or shut me up because it won't work. I am cold and distant yet worm and
close to those who deserve to see that side of me part of me...
the heart of me. You find me so hard to understand in your world, the world you percieve to be so normal I am
scorned, reborn I am me and I know exactly who I am, what I am and the wrath I bring the ugly beauty, the
lying truth, the virgin whore...
the quiet storma lover, a fighter, a saint, a sinner, a sister, a daughter old school......
a beginer. I have decorated my self with love, hate, truth...
you all of you, both of you, none of you...
more than one of you with lips like sugar, eyes like meat. I've watched men come, go and cheat I sleep to
dream and dream of sleep. I had a dream Joe that you were standing in the middle of an open road. I had a dream
Joe that your hands were raised up to the sky and your mouth was covered in foam. I've been crucified,
justified and mortified by my behaviour, both feminine and masculine. I am contradiction and a juxtapostion. my
relief is my release and only time will tell all is well that ends well. I am unsweetened, unclean...
being called drama queen, ex-girlfriend, ex-member...
the tantrum, the temper I paint my finger...
take the blame and this time I will own the name because nobody is going to ruin me, if I have to I WILL RUIN